CH 34

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"So there's no plan?"

"We did good to get this far. I honestly didn't think we would." Haiden didn't look up from where he was lounging in the armchair. He had reclaimed his cap that was now draped over his eyes and his belt of explosives tossed precariously to the side.

Rylan had taken to pacing again, although every so often he would stop and kneel next to me and his fingers would brush my shoulder, the top of my head, my hand as if he had to reassure himself that I was really here.

Knox was perched beside me, and after a lot of convincing, I was letting him bind my arm in a makeshift sling with the moth-eaten bandages he had found in a cabinet. He wound it around my torso, snug but not too tight. He said it would speed up the healing process

"Well, we can't stay here. It's only a matter of time before someone finds us." Rylan said, wearing a path in the floor.

"Will you stop pacing? You're stressing everyone out." Haiden chided from underneath his cap. Rylan glared but ultimately ignored him, not even breaking stride.

"My father. He'll take us in." We just have to make it that far without getting caught. The others exchanged uneasy glances.

"I'm not sure that's the best idea-" Rylan started but I cut him off.

"Do you have any other ideas? We can't stay in Rezantri." It wasn't just that I wanted to go home, but I really did think my father could help us. He would put aside his hatred for Rezantri, he would have to. "You'll be safe there."

Rylan wasn't convinced. I understand his hesitancy. Walking into the enemy general's home would be almost as foolish as me walking back into Mortham Keep. Rylan looked at Anders, who had been quiet this entire time.

"If Nori says it's safe, I believe her." Anders shrugged. He had discarded the royal guard uniform. It was laying in a crumpled pile on the floor next to him. The only thing that remained was the pleated black pants with a red stripe running down the leg and a black kaftan with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I knew now why he wore the uniform. It had been him on the balcony in the square that I had seen guarding the king and his council. I wondered how he managed to accomplish that but I couldn't force myself to ask him about it.

"All right," Rylan relented, taking up position next to me on the floor. "We'll set out for Dast when the night breaks."

We still had a few hours left until sunset so we took the time to exchange stories. I let Rylan take control, telling the other about Commander East and the meeting with the king though he kept that brief. He looked at me then, expecting me to fill in what happened after but I just waved him off. Anders jumped in after that, detailing everything that happened after we were taken away along with the twins' interjections.

Apparently, they hadn't realized what had happened until the next morning when neither of us came to breakfast. Instead Commander East had left behind his two lieutenants, the ones with the blue armbands, to keep things running smoothly. After pestering them with question after question, one of them finally slipped that we had been taken to Vinburgh. They had to sneak out which had been difficult since the lieutenants were watching them more closely. They had only just arrived in the capital this morning armed with a plan. Just in time too.

The sun had begun its descent and was brushing against the treetops when an ominous chill settled over the house. The shadows from the broken windows danced on the walls and the boards above our heads creaked as though footsteps were walking across them. It was still light outside when we decided to risk it.

I stood, the blood rushing to my head and my vision went spotty. I leaned against the wall as a warm arm snaked around my waist.

"Are you alright?" It was Rylan's arm around me and his mouth was inches from my ear, his breath fanning my hair.

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