Chapter 15

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The house is dark and silent when I unlock the door and enter. Why would Cash turn out all the lights? I place the bag of muffins and coffee on the entryway table and flick on a light. Where is he? Maybe he's not feeling well? Great. Now I feel bad because I took my sweet-ass time. I even stopped to shop at a local thrift store before going to the coffee shop. I didn't want to rush back immediately, knowing he needed rest. It's been a few hours since I left...could he still be sleeping?

I walk through the living room and call out his name. No response. I jerk open his bedroom door and panic when I see his empty bed. What the hell? I scanned the room and saw his cell phone on the night table. I let out a sigh of relief. He wouldn't leave without his phone. So where is he?

"Quinn?" His voice breaks the silence and the pounding in my head.

I spin around to see him standing in the doorway. His hair is a tangled mess, and his tired face is perfect.

"You're here." I walk up to him and throw my arms around his neck. His entire body stiffens from my touch. "You had me worried. I thought maybe you left..."

He lets out a tense breath and relaxes a bit in my embrace. His hands touch my head, and he runs his fingers through my hair. "I'm okay," he replies, hesitant.

"Are you sure?" I ask. He doesn't sound okay.

He nods but keeps his hands in my hair, gently stroking my head. His silence is starting to worry me. I pull away from his touch and lift my head to look at him. Why does he look like he's been crying?

"I love you." The way he says it is so intense it almost sounds like he's frightened.

A small, sad smile tugs at my lips. "I know, and it's okay. I understand. I love you, too. You thought you did the right thing when you decided to marry Daniela. You loved your brother, and you wanted to protect her. We are going to get through this together—"

"Quinn, stop," he says and takes a step back. He lets out a steadying breath, and his gaze meets my anxious eyes. "Last night was great. And this morning was amazing. I'm so thankful you came with me to Santa Anna. I've had time to think about things, and you shouldn't have cancelled your flight. You don't have to worry about me. I'm going to be okay. I've already called the Tornadoes trainer, and he's coming by with the team physician for a check-up this afternoon. You need to go back to Boston. I already booked you on the next flight."

I'm not following what he's saying. He thinks I need to go back to Boston?

"What?" I ask, replaying his words back in my head.

"I'm sorry, Quinn. I'm so sorry." His voice is hoarse.

I can hear the pain laced in his words, and I don't have to ask what he means. This is it. He can't say it.

"I don't understand. I thought you wanted us."

"Not like this—it isn't going to work. You have your whole life ahead of you. A life in Boston studying at Harvard. You were right to leave me the first time." He digs his hand in his back pocket and then hands me an envelope. "Here. Take the plane ticket. My limo driver will pick you up and take you to the airport."

I push his hand away. "So this is it? You are choosing her over me?"

"No. Never." He shakes his head, still holding that damn envelope in his hand. "I will always choose you, Quinn. This has nothing to do with Daniela. The problem is, you shouldn't want to choose me. You need someone you can run with. Someone who will push you to achieve everything you've set out to do. You being in Santa Anna isn't real. We've been living in a fairy tale these past few days."

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