The Big Reveal

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"Y/N?" Uma asked, her voice barely a whisper, barely a breath.

Panic making your mind race and your head spin, you did the only thing you could think of. And that was to pull your hand away as if burned, quickly readjust your disguise. Not that there was much of a point in it. With your true identity already known, your camouflage was as useful as a pair of Groucho glasses.

"Uma?" Kali said, looking confused. She obviously hadn't seen your face, hadn't heard what Uma said... Hell, she probably hadn't even been paying any attention at all. That was much like her. If there wasn't fighting involved, she wasn't interested. But, when her twin didn't answer, she added, "Sis? Is something wrong?"

You turned quickly to Garcia. "It's time to go," you told her in a low tone, meant to be heard by only the two of you. "Now."

Without any good-byes, the pair of you started to quickly make your way towards the door.

"Stop," Uma said, voice still full of authority regardless of how raw it suddenly sounded, and one of the Final Ghouls --decked out in riot gear painted fluorescent orange and cradling a submachine gun-- stepped into the doorway, a cement barricade in the form of a man. "Y/N, is that you?"

Now that captured Kali's attention. Her head snapped up as if she'd been suddenly shaken from a state of waking slumber. "What? Y/N?"

You backed away like a cornered wild animal, anxious and ready to bite. With the danger you were in on the forefront of your mind, you stood between Garcia and everyone else in the room like a human shield, regardless of your identity being the thing that could either save or kill you both.

"Do you trust me?" Garcia whispered. She must have read the distress in your body language. For those who knew how to read it, it was written there, clear as day.

"With my life," you murmured, ugly in its uncut honesty.

That's when she grabbed you, wrapping you up tightly in her arms like you were a child in need of protection, and threw herself sidewards out of one of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the sawmill.

She staggered but, thanks to her superior mass and balance, did not fall to the dirt like you might have. And she'd essentially made an exit for the two of you. Grabbing your arm, she started dashing for the southern treeline.

If the Twins had given orders to shoot, you would have been dead. But, instead, the words out of Uma's mouth were, "Don't fire! Goddamn it, holster your weapons!" And then, "Y/N! Y/N, come back!"

You and Garcia lost your pursuers in the woods, didn't stop running until you both had reached the partially-repaired gates of Fort Valiant.


Garcia didn't talk to you for two whole days after you rescued her from the Twins. The silent treatment wasn't like her. When she was mad, she absolutely exploded. Went nuclear. And, after she did, she was perfectly fine again. Water under the bridge, and all that shit.

But, oh Lord, did you fuck up this time.

Then again, maybe she just didn't have the strength to explode at this very moment. She had been pretty badly beaten by the enemy before she shoulder-slammed that window. After that, she had several shards of broken glasses that needed removing from her autonomy.

As an unofficial second-in-command, it was your job to step in while Garcia was recovering. As expected, no one at the Fort liked the news of the deal you'd managed to wrestle from the hands of the Final Ghouls.

"We can take 'em!" One Ranger claimed.

"No, we can't," you answered, voice completely void of emotion.

"How are we going to survive without all those supplies?" A civilian questioned.

"We'll find a way." Through hell and high water, the people of this county always pulled through.

As the stand-in authoritative figure, you made one thing clear: negotiations were over. Now it was just a matter of getting each party to see through their end of the deal.

On day three, you sat in front of the Fort's radio, determined to make contact-- And immediately regretted it.

Ghouls. Ghouls on every frequency, voices cutting into one another as they gave their reports, proving once again how organized they could be when given a single directive. And the directive the Twins had given them? To find you.

They must not have realized you'd already found your way back to the safety of the fort. Thank God for small favors.

You eventually stopped twisting the radio dial, settled on a single channel. Mostly because you recognized the voice of the speaker.

"Not on the northside of the mountain either. How far have you gotten? Wounded and without any true armor or sizable weaponry... Are you even still alive, or have you been dragged off to a bear or cougar den to be eaten?" Uma said, almost conversationally, like she was discussing the weather and not the demise of her soulmate.

It had been so long since you heard her voice. Some small, infinitesimal part of you was lulled by it. "My soulmate," it seemed to whimper, "that's my soulmate's voice. She's worried about me." You crushed that sentiment like a mutated cockroach under your boot... But you also kept listening.

"Where did you go?" There was emotion in her voice now, so strong but utterly indecipherable. Then, "Why did you leave?"

You turned off the radio, couldn't bear to listen to another word.

You'd had nights like these in the past, where you were so conflicted that it almost felt like you were being torn in two.

After you found Garcia, you'd always go to her for comfort, for reassurance. "Did I do the right thing?" You asked over and over again on loop, when really you meant, "Tell me I did the right thing. Please." And she did, enough times that you almost believed it.

Without her, now high on painkillers and fast asleep, you went to the only other person in Fort Valiant that you could think of.

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