Chapter 29 - Crimson Shard

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Chapter Notes:

Recap: Finally deciding to indulge in Xiao Tian's curiosity, Bai Feng started to open up about his past. Yet by the end of his story telling, the informant was in tears and Xiao Tian couldn't help but comfort Bai Feng. But this made the cedar-haired beauty realize that he is becoming too comfortable with the assassin, so he once again created a wall between them.

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Strangely enough, after pushing the assassin away just nights before, the informant was back to acting as he usually would. Still feeling awkward, the jade-eyed man only had one thing he could say.

"Xiao Bai, we're continuing the investigation." Xiao Tian was about to speak when an eagle landed on Bai Feng's shoulder with a paper tied to its talons.

After reading the message and bidding goodbye to the messenger falcon, Bai Feng finally spoke up.

"Before that.. I will be needing your help."

   ⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

"So.. Who are we meeting here?" the jade-eyed man stared at an inn in front of them.

"You'll see a familiar face" the informant entered the inn and walked through the hallways.

The pair sat in silence as the cedar-haired beauty enjoyed his tea before the soft noise of the door sliding open reached their ears.

"Sorry I'm late.. Oh? Why is this gentleman here Bai Feng?" the doctor excused himself inside and sat in front of the pair.

"Xiong Zhang, you asked if I was able to be of help, so I brought reinforcements. Don't worry, he's quite capable. Meet my personal guard" the informant bowed to greet his brother.

I am.. What? Xiao Tian thought in his head but couldn't bring himself to say anything.

"Oh.. So he's your guard.. That explains why he is always by your side.. But Bai Feng, I didn't even explain the problem yet and you already brought reinforcements.." chuckled the doctor.

"Thank you for your help the other time, HeiLi was it? Please continue to take care of my brother." the next head of the clan greeted.

"It's my duty to protect Xiao Bai" the assassin played along. The two exchanged greetings before Bai Feng cleared his throat and steered the conversation back towards the aim of their meeting.

"I won't be much help other than engaging in battle.. That is why I assumed that you needed manpower?" the informant tilted his head in confusion.

"Don't sell yourself so short brother.." the gentle doctor sighed in disapproval.

"With your connections, I'm pretty sure you can get all the information and protection you need Xiong Zhang.. So how am I able to assist you?" the little brother asked curiously.

"It's quite an interesting story actually," the doctor's face suddenly turned serious.

Qiu Cheng explained about a gemstone found deep in the mountains. It is undoubtedly beautiful, but what makes it a fantastic discovery is due to its medicinal properties. Months after locals traded this stone, finally it reached the main city.

Curious, the doctor has been researching the claims of the gemstone, only to not be able to prove nor disprove the medicinal effects of the beautiful rock.

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