Chapter 29

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Plop. My body fell and rolled over the thick pile of sawdust. I sprawled out on the floor and sighed.

‘Thank god for the Summon.’

If it weren’t for this, I would’ve died. One unfortunate death was enough for an experience. Especially one where you’d fall and won’t be able to find the body.

―Squeak. (Sigh.)

More importantly, I was worried about Kyle.

He had a strong, yet affectionate personality, so he must’ve been quite heartbroken to lose a person he promised to protect right in front of his eyes. I did say I was going to come back, but it would’ve been difficult to believe in even it were myself.

That doesn’t mean I could open up the Nut Store and fall together. It was already too late to open the store and I didn’t wish for him to fall too.

It’s not just you who are protecting me, I’m also protecting you.

It couldn’t be helped.

Like that, the complicated feelings and inner turmoil never went away. I kept turning back and forth and scratched my sides.

But now that I was in a familiar place, I eventually dozed off to sleep. With so much that had happened in one day, my stamina must’ve ran low.

In the end, I couldn’t overcome the my tiredness and closed my eyes.

‘The first thing I’ll do when he comes back is apologize.’

To apologize for disappearing like that.



The door opened more roughly than usual.

I jumped up in surprise, waking from my sleep. Be quiet will you! Don’t you know how small and fragile a hamster’s liver is!

“Your Highness.”

The people who entered the study were Kyle and his knights.

Kyle’s arm still looked uncomfortable, as if he hadn’t taken care of his injury yet. His clothes were stained with a mixture of dirt and blood, and his overall appearance was so messy that he looked a little terrifying.


Kyle strode in and slammed on the desk. Leaning forward on the table, he took a deep breath. A few knights stiffened upon seeing him fiercer than usual.

It certainly felt as if the temperature of the room fell by about 1 degree. I covered myself in the sawdust and watched Kyle.

“Your Highness. You haven’t rested for two days already. You should rest first and…….”

The knight at the door spoke cautiously. Kyle muttered lowly without even looking at him.

“Go back.”

The knights glanced at each other, bowed their heads, and left the study.

When the heavy door closed, silence filled the room. In the middle was Kyle, who spoke quietly.

“……It shouldn’t have been you.”

My heart hurt upon hearing that.

It was obvious, yet also surprising. He must’ve already suffered from the deaths of countless other people as he fought against the beasts just to survive in the harsh North. It was something I could not imagine myself, nor have I read about it in books.

The Serena’s first impression of Kyle in was like this: a poor man who carried countless deaths on his shoulders.

To be honest, I wasn’t aware of it because he was always fawning over and kissing me uncontrollably.

The Northern Grand Duke's Hamster|북 부대공의 햄스터 (English Translation/Unofficial)Where stories live. Discover now