10.) ANNA

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I leaned back into the chair. It felt so good to take the pressure off my feet. I hadn't even registered the feeling of pain that radiated from the soles of my feet when I had been running. I had forgotten that I wasn't even wearing shoes. Too bad the mystery man hadn't given me a pair of boots or flats along with the cloak.

Speaking of the cloak, it smelt really good. The man's scent was soaked into the fabric. Honey and smoke. I gripped the bottom of the old chair to keep myself from dragging the sleeves to my nose to inhale the scent.

Staring down at my battered-looking feet, I thought about Aron.

He was my... mate? Or so he says. I've never heard of the concept of fated mates. What he explained sounded reasonable enough; however, it could also be complete bullshit. Oh gods. What if he was a master manipulator and was lying until I trusted him? What if he lured me in just to kill me, or worse?!

My breathing increased as my stress levels rose. I tried to push away my panic and think of things realistically. I took a few deep breaths and regained my composure. If he was a murderer he would have probably killed me already. He had actually been quite nice. I smiled, thinking about him.

He was handsome. Gods, he was one of the hottest people I have ever met. And he was friendly towards me. That thought was heart-warming. He seemed to make my body go all crazy. When he touched me, I felt as if sparks flew. And when I turned and saw him that first time my stomach erupted into butterflies. I just wanted to be near him.

Where had he gone anyway? I looked around from where I swung my legs in my seat. Just then he appeared from around a small corner with a rag and a med kit in hand.

I followed him with my eyes silently as he approached. He must have started to just now feel a bit awkward because he smiled abashed. He stopped in front of me and we locked eyes, heat traveled along my body. I blushed ducking my head.

When I glance back up he has gone to kneel between my knees.

My body short-circuits.

Part of me wants to spread my legs and see what would happen. I had never felt such intense feelings for a man before. My face scorched and my self-protective instincts overrode any other thought I had. Recoiling I hugged my knees close to my chest.

I didn't have a problem with him carrying me before. One, because I had only just started to notice the throbbing sensation in my feet then. Two, he had felt safe even though I had no idea who he was at the time. I suppose I still don't know who he is, but for some reason, it just felt right. Although now, I was a bit nervous for him to touch me. Even if we were supposed mates.

"Careful," Aron says leveling my stare with his own. He softly touches my ankle, "You need these taken care of."

I let out a flustered breath, "You don't have to—"

"I'm going to." He drew down my foot and I felt my muscles ease under his touch. "Just relax." He opened the medical kit beside him and went through it. Finding the few things he needed he began to work.

"It's going to hurt," he warned before dabbing disinfectant. I let out a hiss of pain, he looked up at me apologetically. I tried to think happy thoughts and not focus on the pain. Rainbows, clouds, candy, sparkly things, and stuffies. Gods did I miss all my stuffies. I wondered if I would ever get to see them again. The thought had tears pricking at my eyes. I imagined never being able to see the twins again.

Usually, Titan would patch me up after one of my many clumsy accidents. And Eve would always be there to hold my hand. I really did miss them.

I let out a squeak when I sharp pain came from my foot. "Sorry, there's dirt I need to get out." He scrubbed at the dirt, making my muscles clench in protest. I grate my teeth together at the pain and watch him apply antibacterial ointment. I got a fuzzy feeling watching him work to clean my wounds so gently.

Aron wraps my arches in gauze. When he leans back, finished, I wiggle my newly bandaged toes. Packing and closing the kit he stood.

I smile up brightly at him, "Thank you."

He grins and nods in response. Placing the kit on the table he walks to the small kitchen area, my eyes following his every move. "Are you hungry?" he asks gruffly. I pondered that for a moment. It had been a little while since I had eaten, but no I wasn't hungry. Now with my bandaged feet and a safe place, I was simply exhausted.

I collapsed back against the chair, tired from all of the events that had happened in such a short time. From getting chosen in the lottery, the journey to the Capital, to my short time spent at the castle, me running at the request of the mystery man, and then me ending up with Aron. Now I just wanted to take a big old nap. Preferably with a stuffed animal to cuddle.

I shook my head to answer, but realizing his back was turned I answered a simple, "No." I took this time to admire his back. He must be really strong, I thought. He had large defined muscles that flexed as he worked in the kitchen.

His hand grasped up to grab and tug at the back of his neck, "If I'm being honest, sweetheart, I'm not really sure how to go about this. I never really thought that I would be able to have a mate, so I didn't exactly plan for what would happen if I ever connected with someone. I'll have to visit Mako, a good friend of mine, and ask him some questions," I quietly yawned and leaned back into the chair, getting comfy, the day's events finally catching up to me. "Sorry if I'm not exactly what you expect, I—"

My eyes rested shut, and I heard a light chuckle. I tried to pry open my eyes but they just wouldn't blink open. I felt myself being lifted and sunk into the warm. I inhaled the scent of rain and fresh soil and instantly felt safe. "I wonder where you came from, little bunny. I'll have some questions for you in the morning."

The last thing I remember was being lowered onto a soft mattress and a light touch to my hair, before drifting off to sleep.

"Sweet dreams, sweetheart."

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