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A couple of weeks had passed. Devon and Edward hadn't exchanged more than three words when they happened to run into each other. Edward was simmering with jealousy inside, unlike Devon, who still didn't understand Edward or what he wanted.

However, Devon needed to catch up with school because, even though he was now an immortal being (something he still needed to wrap his head around), he didn't want to disappoint his mother with poor grades. So, he spent most of his time at home after school.

Ronan was a frequent visitor to the Swan house, keeping Devon company in his room while he did homework or studied. Ronan knew many things and occasionally explained to Devon when he didn't understand something.

Nothing significant had happened between them. Ronan continued to be very flirtatious with Devon, and they playfully teased each other, but Ronan hadn't stolen a kiss like the one in the school hallway or after the movie. Devon didn't really mind, as he was beginning to understand Ronan's personality.

They had had the opportunity to talk endlessly about absolutely everything. Of course, Ronan had a more interesting life, and Devon loved listening to him.

On that afternoon, Ronan was lying on Devon's bed, looking at a wall adorned with beautiful photos taken by Devon. Next to him was Rory, sleeping peacefully—the kitten Ronan had rescued, and Devon had decided to keep. On the nightstand was Devon's camera, and Ronan didn't hesitate to pick it up and continue looking at some of the photos he had taken.

But as he finished viewing the photos, Ronan, who knew a bit about photography but didn't enjoy it as much as Devon seemed to, put his eye to the viewfinder and focused on Devon, who was sitting at the desk writing his history essay.

He pressed the button to take a photo, and upon hearing the sound, Devon looked up to see Ronan. Feeling a bit embarrassed, as he was used to taking photos, not being photographed.

"What are you doing?" He dropped into the chair and spun it a bit to face Ronan, who was still lying on the bed.

"It's because you're very handsome," Devon rolled his eyes playfully, and Ronan continued, "I mean it. Will you ever take pictures of me and put them on your wall?"

Devon shrugged. He had thought about it before but wasn't sure how to ask. He was glad Ronan brought it up on his own.

"Of course," Ronan continued looking at the camera curiously, realizing it was quite old, with a piece of tape to prevent the battery cover from falling off.

"I'll get you a new camera for your birthday," he said suddenly. Devon furrowed his brow.

"It's not necessary."

"But this camera is very old. It'll break at any moment."

Devon smiled somewhat sadly. "Margo gave it to me when I turned fourteen. It was my only gift after a very tough time in my life, and I cherish it a lot."

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