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"Let me off the fucking bus," I shouted, slamming my hands on the back door, glaring at the driver. "That man stole my stuff."

"Sorry about that hun," the driver shoulder, pulling over to the and finally fucking opened the doors. Idiot. I sprinted down the sidewalk, searching the bustling  street for the asshole that grabbed my bag.

He was nowhere in sight.

I wanted to cry.

He could be anywhere.

I lost the money.

How am I supposed to disappear with no money?

Fuck. I threw my hood up and walked down the street, eyes wide, trying to stay under the radar while - I spotted a man in dark clothes looking at me. I pause, almost flattened by two burly women walking down the sidewalk.

I quickened my pace, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and anger. As I walked, my eyes darted around, searching for familiar faces, but there were none to be found. Feeling the need for a moment of respite, I spotted a small cafe nearby and decided to step inside. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted me as I entered, instantly enveloping me in a warm, inviting embrace.

The interior of the cafe was cozy and comforting, with a rustic charm that put me at ease. Soft, warm lighting bathed the wooden furniture and exposed brick walls, creating a soothing atmosphere. I made my way to the back, where a booth provided the perfect vantage point for me to keep an eye on everyone and still see the door.

The booth was tucked away, offering a sense of privacy and seclusion. From this spot, I had a clear view of the entire cafe, allowing me to observe the ebb and flow of the customers. The walls were adorned with local artwork, adding splashes of colour and creativity to the space. Potted plants sat on the windowsills, bringing a touch of nature indoors.

Behind the counter, a barista expertly prepared a variety of beverages. Their movements were precise and efficient, a testament to their craft. The menu boasted an enticing selection of coffee options, ranging from classic espresso-based drinks to unique specialty blends.

As I settled into the booth, a sense of calm washed over me. Soft background music played, creating a soothing backdrop to the conversations and quiet contemplation happening around me. I ordered a coffee.

The cafe was filled with a diverse mix of people. Some sat alone, engrossed in books or focused on their laptops, while others engaged in lively conversations with friends or colleagues. Despite the bustling atmosphere, there was an underlying sense of tranquillity that permeated the space, allowing me to find solace amidst my own turbulent thoughts.

I sipped my hot chocolate, trying to pick my next target. I didn't want a challenge, I needed quick and easy money. Nothing was off limits to me, phones, wallets, watches or bracelets. Sometimes I could even grab an entire purse or laptop - some people were too trusting in this world.

I finished my coffee, watching as a blonde woman walked in, heading straight for the cash to order her drink. She wore an expensive-looking black dress, with black heels, and her small, dainty purse hanging off her arm. I watched as she ordered a vanilla iced capp, taking out her wallet to pay. She set her purse on the lower counter and I knew this would be my chance.

"How are you liking your new job?" The barista asked, handing her the card reader.

The woman sighed, shaking her head. "Kicking my ass, Steph."

"You'll get the hang of it," the barista - Steph - said kindly, handing the woman her receipt and moving to complete the order.

Standing from the booth, I confidently walked towards the exit, taking a slow breath in as I walked towards the woman and collided with her. She turned and grunted from the impact.

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