4 | Trip to Heaven

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The next day

After the encounter with Lucifer or else called 'therapy session' taking of the sip of (Name)'s blood tea as she watch Charlie arrange about plans.

Your Pov

Humming my hand place down the tea and stood up and patted Charlie's shoulder "hey, hey calm down... You're being stressed" she laughed in pure anxious, turning to see Vaggie "oh you're little girlfriend here wont stop working she's been here all night and I'm worried..." Sounding like an aunt Vaggie nodded "yeah I'll handle it" she said and approach her.

"Charlie, dear... I know we only have a couple month... We could use some help" Crossing my arms and titling my neck Vaggie and I looked to each other, we both nod in agreement on something as Vaggie spoke.

"Maybe it's time-"

"No" Charlie butt in

"To ask"

"DONT SAY IT..." Charlie cupped Vaggie's cheeks but she spoke

"Your dad" Vaggie said, Charlie groaned huffing I smiled "Oh please darling... Vaggie has a point... We need help as we can get" I lean my back on the wall and rub my cheek.

After Charlie taking the phonecall everyone was preparing to his arrival, everyone waited for Lucifer to arrive soon the door swung open revealing the short king, "CHARLIEEE" without another word he hugged his daughter tightly.

He soon pulled away and looked at me, my hand wave at him and titled my head "hey sir Lucifer..." My smile widens "ohoho! (Name)!" He smiled and shook my hand "it's nice to meet you again!" He lets go after my lip can't help but cackle "oh you... It's been just a day" we both look at everyone seeing their gaze "sooo you two know each other?" Charlie smiled, nodding I spoke "yes I'm his... Personal friend and therapy" Lucifer nudge me that made me grunt a little "oho okay!, let's explore this hotel..." He said looking around the hotel as his daughter follows nervously since... Daddy issues.

I let them bond and head to the table with the others, seeing Nifty with a knife my hand quickly snatch it and put the thing away, I grabbed my unfinished cold blood tea and took a sip smiling.

Not bothering to know the commotions with Lucifer and Alastor since they're just singing along, suddenly my bloody tea spilled on my cloths at the huge shake of the hotel, I grumbled as the hotel shake hearing loud yells out the hotel revealing a chubby pretty gal, my smile fades seeing Mimzy... A annoying celebrity sighing as Mimzy sat beside me "OH! (NAME)! Darling how have you been? Still with Alastor?" Chuckling she drinks a alcohol nodding and answered "oh Mimzy... You know I still owe him a lot, it's good that you came to visit..." Chuckling as the other Angel questioned her what's her relationship with Alastor since he's been a mysterious guy, I couldn't help but agree with Mimzy's words when she talks about Alastor, I mean cause it's true and all he broadcast the voices of his victims all his scary side and some of his soft side.


After getting the loan sharks off the hotel and damaging it, I grumbled and dusted myself off of course Mimzy ruins it all.

Upon walking around my eyes spotted Lucifer and tapped his shoulder "hey sir.." he turned and smiled "ah (Name)! I'm okay doing great just-" my fingers shushed him "hold up I haven't even ask how you are doing chillax..." Cackling light I pulled away my finger and crossed my arms "well if you couldn't convince them... Maybe she can" Lucifer groan and ruffles his hair "n-no I just don't want her to get rejected and sacrifice to this sinners..." I sat down the chair and titled my head.

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