Chapter 13.

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Jacie's POV:

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Jacie's POV:

I groan as I sit waiting in my father's office with the boys. Last night was great to get everything about my grandmother and my childhood off my chest. When I woke up this morning with Aaliyah in my arms, I was tempted to stay in bed with her but work calls. "He always calling us to meet but never on time. I got shit to do." JJ says checking the time again. I haven't seen them both in a couple of days. "You talking about shit to do? We all know you linking with Sasha. Just say her name nigga" I speak up coming to sit in the chair next to Ant. Sasha is JJ's girlfriend. They have been on and off for years but this time they seem to be serious. They started dating when they were freshmen in high school at 14 years old. "Look at all niggas, coupled up and shit," Ant says getting on his phone. "You cannot be talking. You be forgetting I talk to yo girl's best friend every day. You and Asia been chilling a lot huh?" I say smirking and laughing at his face. I swear this nigga started blushing.

"Alright let's get to business" My father walks into his office saying. I roll my eyes, I coulda been in bed with Liyah still and this man comes in 45 minutes AFTER the time he picked. "I know y'all been tracking the money but the cops are hot on our block. Y'all gotta lay low after this week." He says lighting his cigar before bringing it to his lips. I'm not mad about having to lay low, I don't need money since I saved most of my payments plus a break will be good because I need a break. "Ight sounds good, anything else?" I am annoyed and ready to go. He could've told us all this over the phone. Always expects us to say how high whenever he says jump. "You know Jacie, you can show some respect. After all, you got this job cause of me." I roll my eyes again at his words. 'Ion even wanna work for yo bitch ass' I mumble. "What?" He yells. "I ain't say nothing," I say. "Just do what I said. Also, the Southside has been seen talking to the cops plus with our money disappearing, it's clear we gotta mole or some. Just keep low and watch y'all surroundings" He says. My phone begins to ring and I check the caller ID and see that it's Aaliyah. "I gotta go," I say getting up before he can answer walking out the door. "Hey, mama," I say as I step outside the house. "Hi baby, are you busy?" "Nah I just got out of a meeting with my father. What's up?" I say walking to my car. "Can you come over? It's something I want to talk to you about." Aaliyah says and I hear shuffling in the background. "Yes, I can head over now, what you doing? All that noise." I say turning on the car. "Sorry, I was grabbing stuff for dinner tonight." "What you feeding us tonight?" I say jokingly. "I've been craving some nachos bad. You gonna help me cook?" Before I can answer she's facetiming me. "Well hello to you too pretty girl," I say seeing her smile turning into blushing. "But yes I will help you cook," I say looking at the phone occasionally. "Hold on Asia is calling me. I'll see you when you get here." Aaliyah says hanging up.

"Asia just tell that man you like him and stop playing in his face. He clearly wouldn't do you wrong." I hear Aaliyah still on the phone as I get out of the bathroom. I got to the apartment complex around 2:30 and I came over. I showered and brought clothes over in case I stayed the night there again. "Jacie" I hear her call me, "Yes." I walk into the kitchen sitting on the island. "Asia ima call you back, remember what I said okay? Love you best." Liyah says as she hangs up. "What's up, mama?" I say as I turn in the swivel chair so she's standing in between my legs. She's wearing a pink lounge set, if you didn't know her you'd definitely know her favorite color is pink. 

Aaliyah's Outfit:

"I want to talk about what we're doing

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"I want to talk about what we're doing. You know what me and you are." She says putting her head down. "Look at me Aaliyah," I say lifting her head up. "We like each other, I'm not fw nobody but you, and you are doing the same. I want you. And only you okay?". I say pecking her lips. "Okay," She says walking away. I hit her butt causing her to yell as I laughed hard. "But fr Mama we good, we're talking to each other and it's us against everybody," I say standing up and walking towards her. "Baby you can sit in the living room and chill while I cook, I know you've been working a lot so relax." She says pushing me away from her. I laugh and walk over to the living room sitting on the couch.

"Liyah this shit is good as fuck." I say taking another bite of the plate of nachos she made me. "Thank you, baby." She says eating. "I saw you packed a bag. Who said I wanted you around?" "See you playing, let me pack my shit to go and ima be on my way," I say jokingly getting up. "Bae sit down I was playing." She says laughing. I begin to laugh with her and continue eating.

Once we finished eating, I helped Aaliyah clean the kitchen and wash the dishes

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Once we finished eating, I helped Aaliyah clean the kitchen and wash the dishes. "Thank you again ma for dinner," I say as we walk to the bedroom. "You're welcome, baby. Ima shower real quick and can we put on a movie and cuddle?" She says grabbing her night clothes and towel. "Yeah, I'm picking though." She rolls her eyes "Nothing scary Jacie I'm fr." As she walks in the bathroom I stare at her. She's so pretty and I still can't believe I'm trying a serious relationship but I'm glad it's with Aaliyah. All the bad things, we deserve some happiness and I will be hers for as long as we're together. 

AN: 1172 words.

Vote for the next chapters! Thank you for the support as always. I have plans for chapters 14-21. I was debating on just writing them now and releasing them all together BUT I know y'all hate waiting on updates so I'll just keep posting them as I finish so I'll let y'all decide what you want. 

Comment here if you want the chapters as they are written (what im doing now)


Comment here if you want them in bulk (I write all the chapters and post them all at the same time. this one will take a few weeks no longer than a month  to write all of them if this option is picked)

Have an amazing day.


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