021. happy trails, amanda.

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Walk The Line: Halsey

"Yeah?" I place my phone to my ear as I enter HQ.

"Mac, Jack and Bozer are here at the house with your favorite—Pad Thai. What the hell am I supposed to say?" Riley questions.

"Nothing. I'm at work. No need to lie."

"At work. For what assignment?"

"Matty told me about it first. She'll text you and the others soon. I'll see you later." I hang up. I slip my phone back into my hoodie pocket and continue walking. I check the time on my watch and flex my fingers, then making a fist.


"Hey." Jack enters with the others as I sit on the chair, looking at my ring on my finger. "How long you been here?"

"Not long." I reply.

"You called her before us?"

"Yes, because unlike you, Jack, Lina is quiet in the morning." Matty retorts. "We had breakfast, like two, grown up, normal adults."

"Hey, Lina. Listen." Jack crouches down to me. "I wanna talk to you. I know you're mad at Mac here for not listening to you when you told him to stay back, but that was all me. I told him to come. It was me. So I wanna-"

"Jack, she's not ten years old." 

"I know that, Matty. But considering everything that she went through yesterday, I just wanna-"

"You can have your heart to heart with her later, okay?"

"Okay." He gives in. "Don't think I won't forget. You hear me?" He grips my shoulder from the corner of my eye and stands up. "I'm gonna be watching you starting now. Got my eye on you. My full attention, and protection." He sits on the table.

"I apologize for him. Now, I'd like you all to welcome the newest member of our Phoenix team, Doctor Milton Zito. Doctor Zito is an expert in meta-materials. He'll be working on a research project in our lab."

"What kind of research project?" Bozer asks.

"That's classified." Matty and Zito tell him.

"I look forward to working with all of you. Especially you, Miss Petronis, Mister MacGyver." Zito looks at me and Mac. "I've heard all about your unique abilities. In an age of specialists, it's rare to meet a Renaissance man, and woman." He holds out his hand.

"Welcome to the Phoenix Foundation." Mac shakes it.

"Jack Dalton." Jack gets up. "I'm the guy who made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs."

𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐒 ━ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐆𝐘𝐕𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now