Chapter 1: Creepy Ghost

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The deep orange sun rested on the horizon, it painted the sky in shades of red and cast shadows among the high rises. For the four who dragged their feet along the streets, however, its beauty was the last thing on their minds. With no one to brighten the dark windows, or power the crooked streetlights, the city rapidly became swallowed by the night.

Kayla looked away from the sky, and over at the kids. Their tiny slumped figures waddled after them, barely keeping up. Both Tara's and Bunbun's eyes had gotten so puffy, it would be a wonder if they could open them at all tomorrow. Still they stoically kept on. A step at a time.

Her wolf ears and tail drooped, she stared down at her worn sneakers. They had continuously walked, for much longer than normal, not to mention all the running earlier...Her steps falted, and slowed to a stop.

It had been close to noon, when they came across that squad of X-ers.1 If you could call it that anymore. There were only a handful left, of what originally would have been at least ten. But it had been enough.

She looked ahead. James still walked forward, the low set light shadowed his back and stretched his shadow so long it almost reached her feet.

He hadn't spoken since then, none of them had, really, they had just gone through the motions in silence. Done what they knew they had to do.

It almost felt wrong to break it now, but.

She sighed, "James..."

The kids stopped at her side and looked up at her, but James hadn't shown any sign he heard. Kayla pressed her lips together and clenched her fists in determination— "James!"

He finally stopped, and turned around. The sun was to his back, she couldn't see his face. Nor did he say anything.

His lack of response unnerved her and she hesitated, but nonetheless opened her mouth, "Um... we should, no..." She straightened her back and lifted her chin, "We ARE setting camp."

There was a long pause where she feared she wouldn't get an answer, but then he slowly spoke, "The bot..."

And god, his hoarse voice sounded so small, defeated. So utterly exhausted. Dead. But she knew he wasn't talking about the X-ers. She shook her head.

"Just... Let's just make camp now, okay?"

Shoulders slouched, he nodded.

In the end, they made camp in a playground.

They had walked past it only a little while ago, even so, by the time they made their way over, it was just barely visible in the low light.

Kayla had worried she made the wrong decision. But the small playground was better than she remembered, not only was the brick fence intact, it was high enough that it should hide most of their light from any active X-ers.

The rusted gate creaked as she wrenched it open and slunk to slink through. Her ears pointed in high alert. A And the dimly lit playground came into view. The pathway and center were tiled, and thankfully clear of plants. But that was all. The swaying grass at the side reached to her thighs, and once decorative plants had fully reclaimed the space;

The sand was covered in bluebells. The bars and merry-go-round engulfed by ivy. What dominated in particular was a shrub with small white flowers. It had been planted along the walls but grown to engulf the entire swing set, merely the edge peeked out of it. Kayla crinkled her nose, the flower scent was a bit strong but— She waved the rest in— It should be fine.

The kids didn't waste a breath. Tara shrugged off her pack and helped Bunbun unlatch his, then they both beelined to the overturned slide in the middle, flopped down against it, and started pulling the weeds from between the tiles to make space for the campfire. Well, it was as good a spot as any.

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