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I walked across the sand, kicking at it and watching the way it settled into whatever place it was thrown into

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I walked across the sand, kicking at it and watching the way it settled into whatever place it was thrown into.

It had been a while since I had left the party, and I wondered if JJ would ever come.

The moon was out now, shining along the waves and its light took form across the surface of the water.

I had left the party so abruptly, and I guess I had begun to regret it now. Where would I crash for the night?

Suddenly, my vision became occluded by two hands gently placing themself over my eyes and I smelled the scent of pine and citrus mixed together... JJ.

I smiled, placing my hands over his, "Hey, JJ."

His breath hit the side of my neck, "Hey," and I could practically hear the smile in his voice. I turned around with my hands still in his, before he let them down from my eyes.

Me and JJ were complicated, to say the least. We kind of had this held under wraps since.... the beginning of summer. Things just happened, after we were sitting together talking in John B's backyard with some beers to spare.

If the others found this out, It'd really be nasty between them and I felt guilty for a while over it.

"You look... good. I mean, you look really, really pretty." His eyes scanned over my outfit, before he met mine and I struggled to keep a strong composure.

"You don't look bad yourself, sir," I teased, earning a laugh from him and he let his head fall down momentarily. I ceased this moment and let my hand leave the grasp of one of his to meet the side of his face.

I brought him closer to myself, watching his smile fade into seriousness. "You look really, really hot, actually." I closed the distance between us, letting my lips lock with his. It lasted for only a moment before he pulled away, looking me in the eye.

"Wanna go back to mines? My pop's is gone for the night at the bar, y'know, and the sand here isn't exactly.... sex paradise," he laughed out, earning one from me and I nodded.


The walk was painful to say the least, as if my body was physically aching from not having even a taste of JJ, who seemed to have the same thing on his mind with every glance at me.

"Welcome to my humble abode," he fanned his hands around, introducing me as if it hadn't been the millionth time I'd been on his porch.

"Wow, sir, you must have generous wealth! I can tell by the empty packs of marbloros on the floor!" I held my hand to my cheeks and feigned a look of shock.

JJ hooked his arm around my shoulder, "Of course, I do. Would you like to see more, ma'am?" One of his eyebrows pointed up, and the smirk on his face finally made its infamous appearance.

He used one hand to unlock the door, letting me go first and following behind. It was dark, and I'd half expected a drunk Luke Maybank to appear, but found myself thankful when he hadn't.

When JJ opened his room, it practically was an inside book of him and I focused on all the different posters on his wall.

Some bands and places he'd always wanted to go.

He looked back at me, the moonlight shining a line of light into the room and highlighting the side of his face. His stare was intense, almost as if he was asking if I was okay with moving forward, even if we'd done this more times than we could count with our fingers.

I stepped forward, just enough to close the door behind me and kept my eyes on his. I had waited for this moment all night since he had texted me, but for some reason something nagged at me.

What Rafe had said.

"Hey, not to y'know ruin the mood, but uh... Rafe told me a little something about John B stealing stuff? I'm not exactly sure, but I know he works for the cameron's right?"

JJ's eyebrows rose ever so slightly in surprise and he opened his mouth to speak, "Rafe? How did you guys even end up talking?" The silence in the room grew with tension, and I struggled to keep eye contact.

"He happened to be on the line by the Boneyard, I was only there with Aurora." It stung to lie to him, especially since he was looking at me so innocently like that, but I just didn't want to see how he'd react had he found everything out.

"So," he sighed softly, a blonde string of hair making way to lay just above his face and sitting perfectly. "he just wanted to tell you that? The dudes a druggie and a drunk, totally trustworthy."

The sarcasm in his voice was strong, but he didn't seem to be angry at me and I thanked him for that silently. Smiling, I grabbed his hand, "I was just asking, but I believe you."

He smiled back at me, pulling me closer and taking a moment before planting a kiss against my lips. Our lips locked together, moving in sync, before a thud hit the floor of the house and vibrated throughout.

JJ pulled from our kiss, sighing in frustration and laying his forehead against mine. I let my lips fall into a flat line, feeling the tingling remnants of our kiss and being disappointed it didn't go further.

"I'll leave," I held his cheek in my hand, and his look almost made me want to stay here in his room forever.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, JJ." The seriousness in my voice drew his eyes to connect straight with mine, "Plus, you can make it up to me tomorrow night... at 6, then 7, then 8, then—"

He laughed softly, flicking my forehead lightly and placing his hands on my lower back to draw me closer if that was even possible.

Luke's steps made it closer to the room, causing the light aura to immediately leave the room and I let go of JJ. "I'll see you, 'kay?" I made way for his window, opening it and smiling back at him before leaving.

"So, the random dude from the party took you home... and his dad got home right as things were getting started?"

I had found my way back to Aurora, after waiting for an hour for her to respond and she obviously couldn't drive, as she struggled to make way down the driveway.

"Yup. Give me your car keys," I reached for them, but she pulled them closer to her and faked a look of being offended. "Aurora, seriously, you can't even look at me straight." This earned a laugh from her, and she slapped my shoulder lightly.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Aurora but it was like an unhinged toddler everytime we went out.

After a minute or two of going back and forth, she finally gave me the keys and I pushed her into the passenger seat of her car.

My phone buzzed twice on my way to the drivers side, causing me to pull away from the door and take out my phone.

John B
Khali, u free tomorrow?

Ya, why?

John B
Big news, tell u tmrw. Chateau
at 9 in the am.

Aye, aye captain

I pushed my phone back into my pocket, mentally making note to tell him about what Rafe had said.

"I'm starving," I heard Aurora whine through the window, who looked like she'd been ran over by seven different trucks.

"Okay, okay," I laughed, while opening the door of her car and settled myself in before driving out to the nearest Mcdonald's.

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