Chapter 4 : Mac

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Antony, Jake, and Sera stood firm in the face of Mac's ominous declaration, their resolve unshaken by the palpable menace that emanated from the shadows. The air crackled with tension as they faced off against the enigmatic figure at the center of the gathering.Antony's voice, steady despite the mounting danger, cut through the silence like a blade. "We're not here to play your games, Mac. We seek answers, not sacrifices."

Mac's lips curled into a predatory smile, his gaze flickering with an otherworldly intensity. "Answers, you say? The truth is a slippery thing, Moretti. It twists and turns, eluding even the most determined seekers."

Sera, ever vigilant, scanned the shadows for any sign of movement, her senses finely attuned to the shifting currents of the streets. "Enough games, Mac. We know what you're up to. Blood magic won't save you from the consequences of your actions."

Jake, his fists clenched at his sides, braced himself for whatever might come next. "You killed my father, Mac. You thought you could bury the truth, but we're here to unearth it, no matter the cost."
 Mac's laughter echoed through the warehouse, a chilling sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Ah, the sins of the father. How poetic. But know this, boy – your father's death was but a small piece of a much larger puzzle. The streets have a way of consuming those who dare to challenge them."

Antony, his gaze unwavering, stepped forward, his every movement calculated and deliberate. "We're not afraid of you, Mac. We've danced with the shadows before, and we'll do it again if that's what it takes to uncover the truth."

With a flick of his wrist the people around him turned around and looked straight at the three. "You speak of truth, Moretti, but what is truth without power? The streets bow to those who hold the strings, and I am the puppet master."

Sera, her eyes ablaze with shock gazes to Antony, "Why do they all look.. weird".  Mac with a laughter says "The streets are watching, and they'll remember those who betray their trust, Antony. Oh yeah.. we knew you both were on the way here. Ofcourse Simba would wanna know who his daddy's murderer is, am I right!?"

In the midst of the confrontation, a sudden commotion erupted from the shadows as figures, they realized they were being surrounded by everyone in the crowd. They all stood there with a strong gaze on the three.

Anthony: What is going on?
Sera: I don't know, this so doesn't feel normal for some reason.
Jake: Why do people keep calling me Simba?
Anthony: I really feel like that's not exactly important right now Jake.
Jake: These people are being communicated to do everything. I don't believe in dark magic or whatever but I don't understand how.

Sera: This is madness. It's like these people are.. not human anymore. They- They look like.. zombies?
Mac: Ladies and Gentlemen can we please have these adorable three on their knees please.

Mac stands on top of a platform. He was there with a wicked smirk and explained what his "dark magic" actually was.

Mac: So guests, you see I'm not exactly a huge saint or whatsoever to have good acts in my life and you know.. get lot of followers for myself. So uh.. me and my buddy Anthony here used to work on the little chip when you were actually partners with my dad Cornwol, may his soul rest in peace.. well I don't know if you remember that.. do you? Anthony?
Anthony: You.. did not.. Mac..
Mac: Oh yes.. I did. Anthony and I built a chip which we could actually use instead of revolver ammos inside a revolver. I know that's crazy and very fantasy-like but hear me out. This innovation was actually fucking crazy bruv I mean.. we could literally control the human mind if we shot straight to the head. This could eventually allow us to use our enemies as our allies, you know.. more fire power while in a battle. But it didn't exactly work 70% of the time we tested it. So to increase the accuracy of this to work, we should have implanted it. But poor man Tony thought that was a very disgusting idea. To actually implant this glorious chip into humans even if they liked it or not. It didn't matter if we actually.. you know.. ruined the freedom of people's precious lives but that is what we needed, it is what the world needed, it is what your father wanted Jake. So... Tony put the whole project into a bin. Closed it. Destroyed everything into an atom. But after Anthony left my father.. or should I say.. killed him.. I was left for taking up the throne that my dad left for me. I put back everything that the people who used to work for the development of that chip and actually completed it. As you can see.. they work!
Anthony: (whispers) We should get out of here this is not going to end well trust me.
Sera: Oh you think.. 
Jake: Why have you never mentioned about this?
Anthony: Look kid.. this shit is way too complicated AND dangerous.
Sera: Yea well there is no point now cuz he already has it.
Jake: This really feels like some kinda science-fiction crap.
Mac: Oh yea you do don't you. You have no idea what this world has already done and is going to do Simba.
Jake: Why.. do you keep calling me that? Why does EVERYONE keep calling me that!?
Mac: Oh you haven't spoken to the kid have you Tony.
Sera: Mac, don't.. he's a kid.
Mac: Oh gimme a break he's 22.
Jake: 23.. and is there anything that I need to know Macintosh.
Mac: Macintosh.. cool name to be honest but. Simba.. that is yours.
Jake: What?
Mac: Everyone who belongs to the underworld goes by their second name kid. And you belong here.. with us. 
Jake: What? My father left this life to live with us in peace, he never wanted anyone of us to go through any of the trouble that my father had brought upon himself. Tony tell him.
Anthony: Ugh, he's right kid. Your father knew one day you would be here. He knew you would have to face this crap.
Jake: So was why my dad was called Mufasa...
Mac: Ohhhh yea.. 
Jake: Why are you telling me this now?
Mac: Oh you are going to have to know this cuz of what might come up on your future.
Jake: I will not take this life. I have a family to look after back home.
Mac: And then what? Live a peaceful life, get a job, a woman, live your own life? You really think the past is not going to catch up to you Jake?
Jake: I don't wanna take chances with my family.
Mac: You don't have a damn choice kid. Forgot to mention, I do know who murdered Mufasa.
Jake: You do..?
Anthony: No.. kid don't listen to him.
Sera: Mac.. not yet.
Jake: Wh- what you.. knew.. you both know?
Mac: Ofcourse they do kid... it was your uncle all along so why wouldn't he know. Tell him Sera.
Jake: No..... no.
Sera: Listen kid, don't loose your shit.
Jake: Is he.. is that the truth.
Sera: Listen..
Jake: Is... that...the truth..
Anthony: It is.

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