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To all the girls who are in delusion,
keep being delusional since it's the only solution.


I have been listening to a gibberish for almost for hours. I wanted to leave, this was eating my brain. That guy with glasses on keeps on blabbering the shits and doesn't give us freshman a chance to breathe.

I was almost at a point to fucking doze off. I wanted to punch right at his face and run off after flicking him off. I sighed once more as I glanced at my watch which shows 11 a.m, we have been inside this hall since 9 a.m.

My friend Bailey, dozed off ever since the first hour of his speech started.

"So lastly, I wish you all the best on your activities ahead." He says and leaves the podium right away. My heart beamed with happiness as he left the hall. No one even dared to applaud him, just few students seem to appreciate his work.

Everyone hurried outside. Seems like everyone was as hungry as I was. I just got here yesterday and today is the first day of college and it probably sucked.

"Bailey! Wake up! Let's go grab some lunch!" I said as I begin to wake my friend who was sleeping like there is no tomorrow. Bailey and I just became friends yesterday. She was also new here and both of us are freshman.

She is studying on business whereas I on Architecture. Both of us have completely different interests.

Bailey woke up as she begin fixing her hair and her clothes.

We started to walk to one of the cafeteria. Our university is very large and it has four cafeterias inside of it. Bailey and I are new so we didn't knew much right now but, Bailey knows lots of popular students of Emperor University without being friends with them.

Bailey Edwards seems to be very sweet. I got to know all about her in one day. Her father owns chains of hotel in the city and she is second in line heir to their family business.

Her family seems to be very rich and with a very good background. Her mom is a housewife. I also got to hear her parents love story which was very sweet. Both her parents were high school sweethearts.

We begin ordering food.

I was type of girl who eats a lot. I don't comprise when it comes to food. We survive to eat food and we survive because we eat food. Some eats salad to maintain their diet and in the end, they faint because of not eating enough food.

Bailey was one of that person, can't blame her. After her brother takes their family business, she's going to be COO and face of the company so she gotta maintain to be beautiful. She's beautiful in any way!

The thing that I don't gain weight is because of high metabolism in my body. I am gifted in that.

"What is your plan for later?" Bailey looks at me as she eats that greenish thing which almost looks like caterpillars and it's almost gross but she says it's tasty but I don't buy that.

"Probably, getting freshen up, cook some ramen and watch some movies." I said as I scrolled down my phone to see new messages from Daisy, my stepmom and my stepbrother, Jason.

"Come on! We have a grand party held by our seniors! Don't you wanna attend?" She whines as she drinks water.

My dad is a businessman. He has many architectural firms that are very famous for its works. And it's not like I have not gone to party. I have attended more than many.

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