Episode Four

543 35 6

- Next morning -

Jimin and tae was preparing breakfast for joshu , just then joshu come their with angry face and sit on chair
Jimin look at tae and sigh, him to say something tae went close to joshu and sit beside him

Tae - joshu , why angry baby look what you did was wrong naa....
Joshu - I did nothing wrong she was insulted you both in front of me and you want me be silent [angry]

jimin look at tae and sit in another side beside joshu and ruffled his hairs

Jimin - I'm not saying you did wrong but your way of doing it was wrong I know she insult us but she is elder then us naa we should respect her and it's thier house they are helping us so it's okay baby (smile)

Joshu - hyung .I am your brother. Why are you taking the side of that bitch girl? Why are you scolding me because of her?

Jimin - joshu it's bad manners naa (scolding him)
Joshu - again scold, I don't want to talk no one love me (trun another side)

Tae - joshu look.How much tasty food has Jimin prepared today?

Joshu - I don't want I'm going bye
(about to go but jimin hug him from back and tae hug him from right side)

Jimin - So much anger on this small nose , okay please forgive me, I will never take her side (smile)

Joshu - no one love me , don't talk with me (angry)
Tae - hey we love you dombo , sorry naa now forgive us please naa
Jimin - I think someone don't want to eat testy food

(pass a blow of food)

Joshu - I want to eat I'm hungry (pout)
Tae - ohhh really but someone ago you were saying that you don't want to eat (tease him)
Joshu - jimin hyung look na tae hyung don't let me eat (hug Jimin)

Jimin look at tae and hug joshu

Jimin - tae why are you teasing my baby hann !! Okay now eat hmm (they all start eating their brackfast)

Joshu - Hyung I Forget To Tell You (while chewing)
Jimin - And What Is This (Raised Eyebrows)
Joshu - Actually I got Selected In Min Enterprise
Tae - What You Mean You Got Job (surprise)
Joshu - well as an intertan
Jimin - Congratulations Baby do your Best Ok (ruffle his hair)

Joshu - Thank You Hyung (Smile)
Tae - Congrats btw When You'll Join
Joshu - Today
Jimin - Then eat First or you'll be late in your First day
Tae - Well I am also looking for a job,
Jimin - Mee too , I hope We'll Get Job Soon
Tae - Hope so (nods)
Joshu - You both will get jobs soon, it is my blessings. (Said dramactliy)

(Jimin Chukle At his Cuteness)
Jimin - ok more Words,Finish Your Food First
They nods soon They finished Their Breakfast While Talking randomly, after breakfast Joshu went Towards bedroom For Getting Ready And Jimin Went to The kitchen Tae Also Help Him to do Households

After Some Time
Joshu come Downstairs After Getting Ready For Office
Tae and Jimin looking At Him proudly joshu hug Them Before Left For Office

At Office
Joshu POV
Today is the first day and I'm late ,I asked Receptionist For direction of Ceo's cabin ,She said, I Went Towards CEO's Cabin , I Came infront Of Cabin , when someone approch Me , I Look at Him and I lost he Is So handsome, My heart skip a beat for moment ,

Sehun - How can I help you mister
Joshu - g..good Morning Sir (bow)
Sehun -morning What Are You Doing Here
Joshu - Actually I got mail For my Internship approval
Sehun - Oh I see , What's Your Name
Joshu - Park Joshu
Sehun - come With Me (joshu follow him)

Sehun guide Him To his Place

Joshu - Thank You So much Sir (bow)
Sehun - no need to Thanks, it's My Work ,Btw you can call me Sehun (Smile)
Joshu - ok Sehun (smile Back)
Sehun - All The best For your First day, if You need anything Then Comes to me , That's My cabin (Point towards his cabin)
Joshu- Ok Thank You so much (Sehun Smile and went from there)

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