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I arrived back at the game station, walking across pathways that lead to a doorway. I entered the room, seeing Poppy on a ledge above the controls.
I shot the grab pack's left hand to the final train code, taking that off Poppy and I saw her blink and look to me. "Did you kill her?" She asked me.
I nod, "You bet I did. On accident, but...She's gone." I reassured her. She nodded, "Good. I'll board the train. We need to leave." She left in a vent and I turned around, leaving the room and walking through the paths, finding a slide that lead me to the first floor.
I walked in the train, staring down at the code in front of me. I raise an eyebrow, pressing a button and changed the colors to their correct code. I pushed the symbols in order and they turned green.
I pulled the lever and the train started to move along the rails. "Can't believe I'm finally getting out of here" I sighed. But, then I realized. "Oh wait, I didn't get my paycheck." I groaned.
"Oh, well. I can get my 50 bucks someplace else." I shrugged and glanced up, pulling down a lever and the train whistle went off. I chuckled and stared ahead, heading straight for the exit.
I heard Poppy on the intercom, "I was so scared that she put me back in that case. But, you saved me. You're perfect..."
I raised an eyebrow at that "Oh, well...Thanks. I guess?" I tilt my head. "Too perfect to loose..." Poppy said and my facial expression hardened, "What."
"I'm sorry, I can't let you leave." She replied. "Oh, I knew I shouldn't have trusted you! You evil dolls are all the same!" I exclaimed angrily. "I never met anyone like you" Poppy giggled, "Do you know how long I've been stuck in that case? Well...Too long."
I crossed my arms, "I should've left you there in the first place." My lip curled into a frown. "I've had so much time to think and reflect...Time to figure out exactly what I would do when freed. We'll set things right. Terrible things have happened. But, I know that whatever I need you to do...You're capable."
I scoffed, "Well, you suck." I retorted. Her voice was suddenly cut off and I raised an eyebrow, "Poppy? You there?" I inquired. I looked ahead and my eyes widened, seeing the train getting faster.
"Oh, crap-" I blurted out and grabbed the lever, pulling it back and the wheels of the train screeched against the railway, trying to stop the train. "Stop, you stupid train!" I yelled. The train tilted sideways suddenly, "Woah- oh no!"
I was sent flying, crashing into a wall as the train slid to a stop, landing sideways. I groaned, laying on my side and my eyes squinted, reading the sign outside.
"Playcare...?" I muttered. I attempted to get up, but my vision went blurry and my eyes closed shut, losing consciousness.

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