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What is space?Space is the dark area surrounding the Earth where the sun, moon and other planets are

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What is space?
Space is the dark area surrounding the Earth where the sun, moon and other planets are.
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An astronomer is a scientist who studies about space.

Solar system
The solar system is made up of the sun, moon, stars, planets and other heavenly bodies.

The sun 🌞
The sun is a star which is the nearest to the Earth. It's much bigger than the Earth.
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The light from the sun reaches Earth in around eight minutes.

The moon 🌝
The moon is the 2nd brightest object in the sky after the sun. It goes around the Earth once in a month.
Did you know? 🧑‍🚀
Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut to walk on the moon.

The stars ⭐️
Twinkling objects in the sky which are full of gases and heat are called stars.
Did you know? 🚀
Proxima Centauri is the star closest to the Earth.

The eight planets 🪐
Planets are heavenly bodies which move around the sun. There are eight planets in the solar system.

MercuryMercury is the 1st planet and the closest to the sun

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Mercury is the 1st planet and the closest to the sun.
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As it twinkles the most in the early morning hours, Mercury is often called the 'morning star'.

Venus is the 2nd planet. In many ways, it's similar to the Earth.
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Venus is the hottest as well as the brightest of all the planets in the solar system.

Earth 🌏
Earth is the 3rd planet. It's the planet on which they live.
Did you know? 🌏
Earth is the only planet in the solar system to have water in all its three states: solid, liquid and gas.

Mars is the 4th planet of the solar system.
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The reason why the planet is the reddish-orange colour of Mars is known as the 'Red Planet'.

Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun and the largest planet in the solar system.

Saturn 🪐
Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun and the second largest planet in the solar system.
Did you know? 🧑‍🚀
The famous Italian astronomer, Galileo, was the first person who spotted Saturn with the help of his telescope.

Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun.
Did you know? 🧑‍🚀
Uranus is the coldest planet.

Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun and the fourth largest planet in the solar system.
Did you know? 🧑‍🚀
Neptune appears to be light blue in colour when seen from space.

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