craving attention

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Shocking to say the least,today was a very peaceful and relaxing day in the chaotic couple life,what caused it to be so peaceful was unknown.but needless to say it felt refreshing to finally have some peace after all that accord not many days ago,it left them worn out and somehow too exhausted to even stare at each other.

But it was temporary, we all know the married couple can't stay away from each others throat for long.

The reality show playing on the TV did no justice to hoseok who was sprawl lazily on the couch in his black short and yellow shirt,his hair a little messy cause of the amounth of times he tush and turn on the soft leather couch,he had a small pout on his lips and a small frown etch on his perfect eyebrows as he was slowly getting fed up from the boredom,usually he had activities plan in his mind to do to keep him happy and stable even if he didn't have anything planned once he was feeling out of it,he would always find away to keep himself busy and preoccupied. But today for some reason today he had nothing in mind,nothing to cheer him up or at least make him smile.

he was utterly,completely,devastatingly bored.

Of course he could always mess with yoongi besides that's the only thing he may actually be good at apart from being a sassy king of course but whenever he saw yoongi's face or even heard his voice,he'll be reminded that he had a challenge which he himself made, he might not accomplish it and somehow would be stuck with his rival for his entire life.the thought only had his heart breaking so imagine if it turn out to be his reality...hoseok defiantly wouldn't be able to handle that.

Suddenly his magnificent plan was going to be his biggest mistake.

The longer the boy laid on the couch,the grumpier he got,he was already lazy but right now he couldn't describe how he was feeling,after a long moment of deafening fighting with his inner self he let out a loud huff and eventually push himself of the comfortable couch to at least do something.

Boredly he toddled,exploring the mansion,hoseok has been living in this mansion for more than two weeks now but honestly it felt like it was the first time he was seeing it,maybe its because he hadn't really paid attention to the details.

a moment after hoseok found himself wondering why he was standing in the middle of the kitchen.anything related to the kitchen was the last thing hoseok could do.he sigh as his gaze wondered around the neat and luxurious kitchen,it was better that he left it like that,he bated his eyes boredly as he retreated from the kitchen but just then he stopped as his stomach growled,come to think of it he didn't really eat anything except from the chocolate bar he had stolen from yoongi just when he was about to eat it,thankfully the older boy had let him take it without an argument but not...hoseok was craving food again but for some reason he didn't want junk food or eat out as usual.

at times like this he wish his mother was still here with him.he instantly smile at the thought of his mother,the fresh heavenly smell of home cooked food filled his nose,he inhale deeply,exhaling with the largest smile on his lips."hmm~so sweet"suddenly he was craving that soup more than ever,if he was correct his mother had taught him how to make it,he nod to himself as he decided to make himself some delicious food,the thought only of him cooking had manage to make him smile but once he was standing in front of the open cabinet filled neat,sheiny pots and pans,reality had hit him hard that he can't do shit!.

A total look of trauma settle on his face as he subconsciously glare at the pots,side eying them.he found himself dramatically stumbling back jaw drop,he stood there for a while before he sigh rolling his eyes."oh come on hoseok you got this!"he encourage himself with sudden inspiration. Staring at the pots for a moment,hoseok slowly,slowly reach out to touch the pot,it was right there only inches away but just then-

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