Welcome to hell newfound soul

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A loud sound, heat... Nothing... Peace... A warm bright feeling. Suddenly Y/N's eyes open, wind shooting past him. All he can do is fall, looking down at a pentagram shaped city. Before he can even react to his predicament in any form, he crashes into a street.

But he isn't hurt. Not one bit, he feels up his body... It feels... Strange, he turns to the side towards a wrecked car and looks at himself in a cracked window. He looks like a robot, with horns. He wears some casual clothes and a jacket...

"What's going on?" He mutters feeling his face as he looks into the window

What had happened... A loud sound... Heat.... Did he die?!

"Was that a fucking explosions?" He questions looking around

The streets are plastered with dead bodies and blood.

"Then this is Probably hell..." Y/N mutters

There is no way he would have went anywhere else, considering what he had done. Walking up to one of the dead bodies, a spear sticks out of it. Y/N grabs it and pulls it out.

"If this place is a battlefield, I'm at least taking a weapon." He says inspecting the spear

A few meters away from Y/N a door opens and a cat like 'person' enters the streets carefully looking around.

"It's over!" He suddenly shouts

At the same moment a firework goes of in the sky somewhere.

What was over? What had happened?

Out of the houses and alleys more probably sinners emerge, some looking less human then the next. Some immediately walk to the bodies of the dead and start eating them.

Y/N would need to find someone who can explain him how things work down here... Without information he can do nothing. Without information he can't even know whom he should target for information....

"Damnit." Y/N mutters facepalming

The people who have been down here for long have it so much either, they know what to do.... But that's not going to stop Y/N. He looks around at the people walking around. Some of them warily looking at Y/N or more so the spear. But he realizes something. Looking at the people, ha can see something a strange point on their bodies. As he focuses on one in his field of view a smartphone screen opens.

"Whoa!" He exclaimes swiping along his vision

As he swipes the screen moves around showing something else... Was this... The sinners phone? Just by looking at the spot where it is on the person! This new body would be pretty helpful. Y/N walks into an alley past some cannibals. Scrolling around through the phone, learning.

"Overlords... Hellborn... The seven deadly sins... Lucifers family..." Y/N mutters searching around

"So stay away from overlords huh? Sinners who gain power through contracts... They seem to be bound to a specific type... 'Radio demon... Is still gone! Did Vox fully defeat him 6 years ago?' 'The V's are still vastly gaining in power! How powerful are they nowadays?'" Y/N reads some headlines aloud to himself

Suddenly some coughs loudly behind Y/N. Y/N closes the screen immediately out of reflex.

"You are probably new down here kiddo, am I right?" A rough male voice asks

"Huh? Why do you think that?" Y/N asks turning around

The sinner who talked to him is a big boar looking fellow.

"Since no one who knows some shit walks around with a fucking angelic spear like that." The man spat at Y/N

Angelic spear? What could it do? Why is it in hell?

"Now you better give me that shit and piss of newbie!" The man tells Y/N

"Why should I?" Y/N asks

"Because I will beat you up and take it if you don't." He scoffs

Y/N focuses on this sinners phone. Quickly searching around.

"Well what will if be metal ass?" He asks striking his hand with a fist

Searching around something useful... Come on, come on... Bingo.

"Do you really want to do this Erik?" Y/N asks

The boar sinner looks at Y/N shocked.

"Why the fuck do you know my name?!" He exclaimes

"I know more about you than you think. You may be a big hefty guy. But you got beaten up by two imps two days ago haven't you?" Y/N asks

"N-no! I haven't been! That's it I'll rip your head off!" Erik exclaims

He rushes towards Y/N. Who quickly dodges to the side and hits Erik in leg with the spear.

"Oh fuck! Fuck that fucking hurts, shit!" Erik exclaims falling to the ground

Y/N crouches down beside him. Taking out Eriks phone.

"You wanna die here?" Y/N asks him

"F-fuck no!" Erik exclaims

Contracts... Overlords are sinners who gained power via contract... But how would he create one? Y/N questions. He looks at Eriks phone and a strange site had opened.

'I hereby enter a contract and offer
"my soul" as payment for Y/N....

Y/N had just created a contract only one thing left, for Erik to sign it.

"Well Erik... Then I have an offer for you. You either die right here." Y/N tells him showing him the phone screen

"Or you sing the contract, offering me your soul, for your life." Y/N tells him

Erik looks shocked.

"Never! I ain't signing shit!" He exclaimes

"Well then I suppose..." Y/N stands up rising the spear

"Stop! Fuck! I'll do it! I'll sign it!" Erik shouts

Y/N crouches back down to him.

"Good boy. I knew you would come to your senses." Y/N says giving him his phone

Erik swipes on his screen and clicks a button. Suddenly Y/N gets a notification in his vision.

'Contract folder created. First entry: Erik Hudson'

The first step! Now Y/N owns the first soul! But he would need to grab more as soon as possible to be safer. But now that he had someone to command...

"Erik, do you have a save space somewhere?" Y/N asks

"An apartment nearby..." Erik mutters still holding his bleeding leg

"Then let's get there, and you will tell me everything you know about this place. After all Information is power isn't it?" Y/N asks the sinner

Now it needed to be seen how well Y/N will find his way into this hell. But this at least seemed like a good place to start.

*Just for your information, this is about a year before the pilot! How will Y/N fare? Will emhe become an overlord? What will happen until the pilot? And more importantly, how did you like the first chapter? I wish everyone a wonderful day!

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