Chapter 10: Secrets Unburied

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While you and Catnap were laying together asleep, you were in the middle of a strange dream. In your dream, you saw two people. One was an adult wearing a gas mask. The other, a child. To be specific, one of the orphans. They were in some sort of testing room inside Playcare. The adult aggressively dragged the orphan onto what looked like a surgery bed. This was just one of the many surgery beds in the room. You managed to turn the dream into a lucid dream and look around, and you saw more adults wearing masks dragging more children onto the other beds. You looked back at the adult and child you first saw. "Will this hurt?" The child asked. "Don't worry, Theodore. This won't hurt a bit. Just try to calm down and be still, this is important," the adult said. You heard screaming coming from the child, and you then woke up. Your heart was racing. You were gasping for breath. Catnap woke up at the noise of this. "You alright, love?" Catnap asked you. "Yeah, I-I just... had a nightmare. A strange one," you answered. "You wanna talk about it?" Catnap asked you. "No, it's fine. The dream probably didn't mean anything anyways," you answered. "Alright. Goodnight, love," Catnap said before going back to sleep. You did the same.

You both woke up. "Good morning, love," you said to Catnap. "Good morning, love," Catnap replied. Catnap then proceeded to kiss your forehead before getting up and leaving the room. You decided to explore Playcare. You had a weird feeling about your dream. At first, you thought it was nothing. But now, you felt like it meant something. "They did something to those kids, I know it," you thought. You decided to investigate the place further than you did previously. You thought of where you might find a testing room that stored the children inside. "Home Sweet Home," you thought. You were already in there, so you carefully examined your surroundings. You found a locked door that you've been curious about. "There's gotta be a key to open this somewhere," you thought. You looked in some of the bedrooms. You found a room that had a giant Bobby Bearhug statue in the center. The way it always looked your direction made you uneasy. You looked under one of the beds, and found a key. You tried to use the key on the door you were looking at earlier.

You sticked the key into the hole, and it opened the door. The room was pitch black. Not to mention, dead silent. You were holding out your hands, hoping to find a light switch. So far, no luck. After a while, you finally found a light switch. You pulled it, and the room was revealed to be the exact same testing room in your dream. You looked around, and noticed all the beds had a different test number. The bed at the very end of the hall intrigued you. It was labeled "Experiment 1006: The Prototype." All the beds had different test numbers. Along with their test numbers, they had a name. Each name was one of the toys in the factory, like Huggy Wuggy, Mommy Long Legs, and Boxy Boo. The one that intrigued you was the bed that was labeled "Catnap" on it. You saw a TV with a VHS tape lying down next to it. You put the tape in, and began to watch. You heard a male voice talking in the tape. "Congratulations, Catnap! This is now your 4th year in your new body!" The male voice exclaimed. "New body? What does he mean by that?" You thought. You heard Catnap talk in the tape, saying "THE PROTOTYPE WILL SAVE US," in the same tone he was talking in when you first met him.

The male voice began to talk again. "Catnap, nobody is going to save you. This is your home now. And as for The Prototype, his home is in the labs," the male voice stated. You were learning. "Hold on, what's his real name again? Oh, right. Theodore," the male voice said before the tape ended. "Real name? New body? What is all of thi- wait.. no... no... no no no... don't tell me it is what I think it is," you thought to yourself. You grabbed a picture of Theodore you found on the wall and ran back to Catnap. "Catnap, I need to ask you something," you said, out of breath. "Yeah? What is it, love?" Catnap asked. You showed Catnap the picture. "Do you recognize this picture?" You asked him. "W-where did you find this?" Catnap asked you. "I found it in a testing room in this building. Home Sweet Home. Do you know this kids name?" You asked Catnap. "Theodore... that was... me. Before I was experimented on and turned into... this. I was just a child. I had to grow up in this body. Why? Why did they do that to me? I-I was so young. WHY, YOU STUPID PLAYTIME EMPLOYEES!?" Catnap shouted. Catnap was enraged by this reminder of what happened to him. So, you decided to talk to him about it.

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