To Break Human Rights

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The president held up a small, penlike device.

"With this, we have the capabilities to align the thoughts of an individual to the wielder. Of course, this will only be used to garner information from terrorist cell groups."

He paused. The millions of viewers were no doubt incredulous at this breathtaking claim.

"And so, we have a demonstration prepared. Terrorists, quake in fear!"

The president unhooded a man on his knees and brought the device to his eyes. The man's eyes became unfocused and began spouting unintelligible replies to the questions the president asked; coordinates, languages, code-words.

The president smiled, then turned back to the cameras, and the live audience at the scene.

"Citizens, is it right to break apart human rights when it comes to the defense of our nation against the same people who ignore our rights to live?"

The country cheered in agreement.

Well, of course they would.

He put the mind-controller back in his pocket. From the ground, launch codes, vault passwords and information on all captives cells were still being spouted from the mouth of the real president.

Dont Fear....Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora