Ch-119 Using Space

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Lu Xi drove her car towards captain Su while thinking in her mind about the reason for captain Su to look for her because she really can't guess it. Soon, she reached to captain Su who was standing with several others soldiers.

Lu Xi looked at them as if they were discussing something and hesitated to go to them to disturb them at this time. While she was still hesitating, a soldier's eye fell on a car and he realised that this car belong to 'Mr. Lu Xi'. He immediately informed captain Su about Lu Xi's arrival. Captain Su saw that she came here but still not coming to them.

He called her name while walking towards her car "Mr. Lu".

When Lu Xi saw that they already noticed her here then she also came out of the car without hesitation and also walked towards them. She smiled a little and greeted him "Captain Su. I heard you were looking for me. What's the matter?"

Captain Su didn't said anything immediately but waited for Lu Xi to come to them. When Lu Xi arrived, she saw that captain Su was exchanging eye contacts with other soldiers. She frowned a little bit didn't said anything and waited for him to speak first.

   Captain Su heaved a sigh when he saw that Lu Xi was silent and didn't even ask him the reason for calling her here. "Mr. Lu, actually there is something we need your help with, and only you can do this now. I hope you can help us with this thing."

   Lu Xi: "Captain Su, actually you don't need to call me Mr. Lu all the time, right. You can call me Lu Xi like others. Mr. Lu feels very hounrable to me when I am not ." She said while trying to speak in a humorous way and she also told them in a round about way that she is not that great to help them with anything which even military soldiers are not able to do it.

   Captain Su smiled a little more generously and said :"Okay, Mr.L... I mean Lu Xi." He almost said Mr Lu again but it's good that he stopped his mouth mid way.

   "Lu Xi, actually there is something we want to discuss something with you, you can decide whether you can do it or not, we are not forcing you so you don't have to feel pressurize".

Lu Xi: "Captain Su, if you won't say it soon, I will definitely feel pressurized."

   Lu Xi was not afraid of them but just felt that if she was going with them and also going to Base D to live in the future, no matter for how she will stay there, but she should not be too rigid with others, that's why she was trying to be nice one with them.

   Captain Su: "Actually it's not that serious but actually we need to use your space ability."

   Lu Xi became shocked with his words and became very serious without saying anything.

   Captain Su hurriedly explained to her :"We just need to move something but it's too much and Gu Qiang's don't have much place left in his space and went urgently need to do it".

   Lu Xi looked at them without saying anything with the expression of of you don't explain it properly, don't even think about using her. Because she felt it now, before she had a good impression of them but now soon after knowing her, they thought about using her for her space. If she let them so easily this time without enough reason, they will come back to her again and again, and maybe they will let other people use her, she will never tolerate it.

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