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Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve


Hope thinks I can't read into what she's saying, but I know better than to think she's going to let me in so easy. I can wait. I think she's my forever so what are a few weeks or months. I tickle her side to lighten the mood and instantly I'm rewarded with the sound of her laugh. I kiss her again and pull at her lip before placing one last kiss on her forehead.

"When are you coming over again?" I ask. I can see her considering her answer before she talks.

"I can come over before work tomorrow. I need to figure out the bus schedule but it might give us an hour or so."

"Quit it with the fucking buses." I laugh, rolling my eyes in exasperation. "What time should I pick you up?" Her lips curl into a smile and I know that I have my playful Hope back.

"I can be ready by 9:30. Don't you have to work?" I kiss her again just because I can't help it and she melts in my arms.

"I'm feeling a little sick," I pretend cough and give her a wink. She pokes my side and has me flinching.

"Ok, you poor baby. Come get me tomorrow morning." And just like that my tilted world is righted. I cup my hand around her neck and kiss her one last time. She climbs back to her side and gets out of my car, waving a small wave as she leaves. This time I watch as she walks through the gate and makes her way up to a door.

As I drive home, I'm consumed by the need to be near her again. Tomorrow feels like years away. I call my brother Brandon so he knows I won't be coming in tomorrow. He knows me better than anyone so he doesn't believe my sick story. Being direct as always he asks, "Still the waitress?"

"Yeah, it's crazy. Can you just let Ben know I'm taking the day off? Don't give me any shit. You know if you had the chance to be at home wrapped up in a hot girl you wouldn't hesitate to bail on the office." I can hear him chuckle on the end of the line.

"Be good, and if you can't be good, be careful," he says right before I hang up. It's something my dad always says and I smile at the irony of my brother repeating it.

When I get into my apartment I start emptying my pockets and getting out of my clothes. My phone chimes with a text message and I'm expecting shit from my brother Ben, but instead it's a text from Hope. I'm like a sixth grader calling a girl for the first time. Any mention of her has my heart racing and my hands sweating.

Hope: I miss you already. I'm safe and all tucked in.

Me: I miss you too. It's not too late, I will come back and get you. I'm pretty phenomenal at tucking in.

Hope: I'm not sure I want to know about all the practice you've had in that skill. I have Nathan. He lives with me Caleb. If it were just me I would already be snuggled up with you.

Me: I have extra rooms. I can tuck in little people too.

Hope: Not really a job I'm ready to give up. I'm going to sleep now so tomorrow will come.

Me: Goodnight, Sweetheart. See you in the morning.

So he lives with her. This is the first information I've been given about the mysterious Nathan and I'm now more curious than ever. The fact that she has shared a little with me gives me hope that we can do this--that she can do this. I take a quick shower and climb into bed with the thought of seeing her tomorrow in my head. Of course every dream I have is of her and when I wake in the morning my heart is not the only part of me that is dying to see her.

Hope doesn't disappoint. She's wearing a small pink sundress that dances around her knees and a little white sweater. Her hair is down and curled on the ends and every piece of exposed skin looks good enough to eat. I watch as a smile stretches across her face and pull up to the curb so she can get in. I would get out to open the door but she jumps in before I can even put the car in park.

I've told myself to be good today, not rush her into anything but the way her tan legs peak out from beneath her dress has me unable to remember any promises I've made myself. I reach across and put my hand on her knee, sliding it up to her thigh as we drive to my house. She's singing to the song on the radio and I'm trying hard not to stare at her and focus on my driving instead. With the window down and her hair blowing crazy, she looks like an image straight out of my dream and I groan quietly as I fight the need to slide my hand up further.

By the time we make it into the elevator at my place, I've lost all self control. When the doors shut I back her up against the wall and kiss her like I need her to breathe. I slide my hand up her leg and under the hem of her little dress so I can feel the softness of her skin against my palm. I feel her press herself against me and if there was any ounce of resistance left in me it burns to ashes with all the heat we're creating.

The doors open to my place and I reach under her ass with both hands and lift her so that she's straddling me and carry her into my house. Her soft lips are pressed against my neck, sucking and kissing as I make my way through the apartment and back to my room. I stumble in the large living room and Hope laughs against my neck. Deciding I can't wait any longer and going any further might prove to be too dangerous in this state, I steer us towards my couch instead.

Turning around still holding her, I sit down on my couch and pull her close to me so she straddles my lap. Today she's playful and I love the way she giggles when she tries to take my shirt off but it gets stuck behind my back. I lean forward and give her the room she needs to get it off before quickly shimmy her dress up over her hips. The next to go are my pants and underwear and I lift her as I lift my hips so that she can pull them down.

Tipping to the side, Hope slides her panties down her legs and giggles again when she loses her balance and I have to save her from falling over. It's like we're drunk without the alcohol. Drunk on happiness? Drunk on love? Fuck, I don't know, but I would pay a lot of money to hear that giggle any time I wanted. When she straightens out on top of me and takes my bottom lip into her mouth, the light mood turns serious. She positions herself on top of me and I begin to slide into her.

Hope feels amazing as she glides up and down and I throw my head back as the sensations overwhelm me. I thought the last time was incredible but this time is more intense, closer somehow. It only takes a minute for my brain to figure out why and I grab her hips to still her on top of me.

"No condom, Hope." I say in a husky voice and her hazy eyes lock with mine for a minute before she throws her head back and begins to move again.

"I'm on the pill." I release her hips and sink back into the couch, watching as she moves above me.

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