Chapter 8 Shopping

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Yuji Pov

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Yuji Pov

I toss another shirt onto the pile that was building up on the floor. Why did I even care which clothes I was going to wear to hang out with my friends? I knew and those embarrassing thoughts started to come forth in my mind. I shook my head trying to push them out of my mind. These thoughts have been consuming my mind since I met Y/n. Y/n took up a lot of my thoughts. That was normal, right? It was normal to think about someone for the majority of the day. 

I picked up my favorite hoody settling on wearing it with some jeans. After I was dressed I looked at my reflection in the mirror it always bothered me to see Sukuna's features on my face. I always tried to believe that we looked completely different but I knew that was a lie. I dislike Sukuna. I especially dislike Sukuna when I catch him looking at Y/n. This doesn't happen often as I try to stay away from him. There had been a few occasions where I had seen Sukuna spying on our training with the second years. Sukuna never took his eyes off of Y/n. 

There was a fire building in my gut. This feeling was new it showed up after I met Y/n. It only rose when people were showing Y/n attention. The fire had been there when Megium stole the seat next to her on the bench. The fire is there when Maki touches Leingers for too long when showing her a martial arts move. The fire is there when I catch Sukuna looking at her. This feeling had to be normal even if I had never felt it before. 

It was almost noon I had to leave to meet the group. We had all decided to meet at the front of the school before we went into the city. My body was running I was eager to see everyone or maybe just someone. My heart skipped when I saw Y/n waiting for me but I almost fell when I saw she wasn't alone. Junpei was with her and he was making her laugh.

That burning feeling in my gut was building up again.


It was nice getting to walk around the city without the fear of having to go inside another abandoned building with a curse in it. Everyone had agreed that it had been too early for us to eat so we were shopping until then. Nobara was in her natural habitat when it came to shopping. It didn't take long until both her hands were filled with shopping bags. When it came to shopping I didn't care much for it. I did enjoy shopping for books and movies. That is where Junpei and I had found a common interest he knew all about all the old horror movies. Instead of going into another clothing store, we were able to convince everyone to go into a store that sold figures and movies. The walls were lined with movies and figures. 

"Look at this Y/n-" Junpei called me over to show me a movie he was holding "-have you seen The Creature from the Black Lagoon?"

"No I haven't," I said looking at the cover that had a swamp monster on it

"Well, I was going to buy it you could come to my room and watch it with me. It's a good one" Junpei spoke excitedly about it the only way a nerd could talk bout something

"That's sound fun-" 

"What are you two talking about-" Yuji came over wrapping an arm over mine and Junpei's shoulders as he stared down at the movie in Junpei's hand "-oh that's a good one"

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