Wakey wakey.

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Y/N, Soap, Gaz, and Price were gathered in the dimly lit meeting room, the only sounds the quiet hum of the air conditioning and the occasional scratch of a pen on paper. The tension in the room was palpable as they discussed Y/N's upcoming training while Ghost and König were out on a dangerous mission.

"So, Y/N, we need to ensure that you're fully prepared for whatever comes your way out there," Soap said, his voice steady and authoritative.

Y/N swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of the responsibility that lay ahead. "I understand." they replied with determination.

Gaz leaned forward, his brow furrowed in concentration. "We'll cover all the essential tactics and techniques to make sure you're as prepared as possible," he said, his gaze unwavering.

Price nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "You're stepping into some big shoes, but we have faith in your abilities," he reassured Y/N.

"I'll give it my all." Y/N spoke strongly.

Price cleared his throat, his voice softer now, "Don't forget to get some rest, Y/N. You'll need all the energy you can muster."

Y/N nodded gratefully, feeling the exhaustion creeping in after the intense discussion. Slowly, they rose from their seat and made their way out of the meeting room. The dimly lit halls felt eerily quiet as Y/N walked, the only sound being the echo of their footsteps against the cold linoleum floor.

The weight of the upcoming challenges pressed down on Y/N as they navigated the familiar corridors back to their room. Each step felt heavy, the gravity of the mission settling in. Thoughts raced through Y/N's mind as they replayed the strategies and tactics discussed in the meeting.

As Y/N finally reached their room, a sense of relief washed over them. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but for now, they could find solace in the quiet of their own space. Y/N closed the door behind them, sinking onto the bed with a heavy sigh. Rest was essential, but the anticipation of what lay ahead kept their mind racing into the night.

Y/N curled up on the bed, the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the window, casting shadows on the walls. With a heavy heart, she reached for the delicate locket that hung around her neck, a precious gift from her mother. She held it in her hands, tracing the intricate design with her fingertips, a pang of longing for her family coursing through her.

As tears welled up in her eyes, Y/N whispered to herself, "I miss you, Mom. I wish you were here with me, guiding me through this storm." Her voice cracked with emotion, the weight of the mission and the distance from her loved ones bearing down on her.

Closing her eyes, Y/N clutched the locket tightly, seeking comfort in the familiar warmth it brought. "I'll make you proud, I promise. I'll do whatever it takes to come back to you," she vowed softly, her voice filled with determination and a hint of sorrow.

The room was enveloped in a heavy silence as Y/N lay there, finding solace in the connection to her family that the locket provided. With a deep breath, she wiped away her tears, a newfound resolve settling in her heart. No matter the obstacles ahead, she would carry her family's love with her, a source of strength in the face of adversity.

Y/N's eyelids grew heavy as she lay in bed, the comforting sounds of the night enveloping her. The gentle hoots of owls and the soft chirping of crickets outside her window created a soothing symphony, lulling her into a peaceful slumber.

As she drifted off, a soft, melodic voice seemed to hum in the distance, like a distant memory trying to break through the veil of sleep. The hauntingly beautiful tune wrapped around Y/N like a warm embrace, calming her restless thoughts and easing the ache in her heart.

With a contented sigh, Y/N finally succumbed to the embrace of sleep, the soft melody carrying her away to a place of serenity and tranquility. The night continued to pass, the world outside her window alive with the whispers of nature, as Y/N found solace in the dreams that awaited her.

The soft, golden light of the sunrise filtered through Y/N's window, casting a warm glow on her peaceful form. Rays of sunlight danced across her skin, illuminating her features as her pale pink lips parted gently with each slow breath. Her blankets lay scattered haphazardly around her bed, the remnants of a night spent in deep slumber.

Y/N was sprawled out in a starfish position, limbs splayed in every direction, claiming her space with a sense of regal abandon. Her hair was a tangled mess, a wild rat's nest framing her serene face. A small trail of drool escaped from the corner of her lips, a sign of the deep, uninterrupted rest she had experienced.

In that moment, she rested like a queen upon her makeshift throne, the first light of the day bathing her in a soft, ethereal glow. The world outside continued to wake up, but in her haven of dreams, Y/N remained in a state of blissful repose, a vision of tranquility and grace.

Blissfully unaware, Y/N slept soundly in her room as Soap and Gaz plotted a mischievous prank. Soap crept into the room, sliding his phone next to Y/N's sleeping face, a mischievous glint in his eye. Gaz stood in the doorway of the bathroom, stifling a quiet giggle as he watched the scene unfold.

With a sly nod from Soap, Gaz dialed his phone, the sound of a familiar melody blaring through the room as Soap's phone, attached to a speaker, played the intro to "Friends" at maximum volume. The sudden burst of noise jolted Y/N awake, causing her to startle and fall off the bed, landing on top of Soap with a loud scream.

Gaz, with his phone recording the entire spectacle, couldn't contain his laughter as he watched Y/N's startled reaction. As Y/N and Soap untangled themselves, Gaz doubled over in fits of laughter, capturing every moment on video.

Y/N looked around in confusion, her heart still racing from the unexpected wake-up call, while Soap and Gaz erupted into peals of laughter at the successful prank. Despite the initial shock, Y/N couldn't help but crack a smile at the absurdity of the situation, joining in the laughter as the room filled with the joyous sound of shared amusement.

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