To the surface

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For the few days of taking care of Ghost and getting to know him a bit was really nice. He trusted you and you felt so honored by that cause he doesn't seem to be very close with anyone else but you. You thought it was strange though..he's a lieutenant of a very strong team at this base and your just a nurse in the med field..

It made your heart hurt a little every time you thought about that but you couldn't help but be so happy around him. You shared interests and he talked about his home country of the UK. It was always nice to hear him talk about himself, but you knew there were things he was hiding and not wanting to bring up and you understood that, so you never pushed it.

But you noticed a pattern of his..he was talking in his sleep alot..stirring as if he was trying to escape something. You kept a close eye but it usually would fade away and he would sleep peacefully for the rest of the night.

This night was no different..or so you thought. You were making your rounds and you made it to his section but you noticed something off..he was breathing a little heavy and his eyes were moving frantically beneath his eyelids.

You got worried and made it over as you set your clipboard down and you leaned over him a bit to make sure he wasn't in pain.. physical pain anyway..

He grumbles and mutters as he grips onto the blanket underneath as he turns his head back and forth, breathing heavily as if he was starting to go into a panic.

You gently put your hand against his arm, gently shaking him but he doesn't budge as he kept muttering the words 'No' like he was begging for something..or someone to stop whatever was happening in his mind.

You gently shook a little harder, not wanting to hurt anything but trying to wake him up. "Ghost? hey..hey it's okay..wake up.." You say softly.

But he wasn't waking up. "Come on, wake up.. Ghost your okay.." You sigh as you try to think of something to snap him out of it. 

You sit down on the side of his bed and you gently lift his head into your hands as you look at him "Ghost, can you hear me? It's Y/'s me..I need you to wake up okay? Wake up for me"

You frown and you groan a bit, yelling at him a bit


His eyes shoot open and he breathes in shakily as he grabs your arms with his large hands and you gasp a bit. He looks up at you, loosening his grip a bit once he realizes it was you..

"Y/N.." he whispers, almost..pleadingly for you

"Shit..sorry, didn't mean to grab ya like that.."

"'s okay.. you're okay.." you whisper softly and you smile gently at him as you gently rub your thumb against his face as his eyes soften and he slowly flutters his eyes closed as he takes in your gentle touch.

"You're gonna be okay.." you say to him and he sighs softly as he then puts his hand against yours as he leans his face into your palm.

"Thank you.." he says softly and he gently curls his fingers against yours

you felt your heart flutter and your face blush a bit as he grabs your fingers in such a sweet, gentle way.

"You don't need to thank me..I told you..I'm gonna be here.."

He lets out a light chuckle and he opens his eyes a bit as he looks back up at you and he sits up, leaning against the bed rail as he tilts his head a bit "that ya did.."

He gently reaches over and slips his fingers behind your head as he guides you over, leaning your forehead against his shoulder as he closes his eyes again and lets out a small sigh through his nose, taking in this kind of moment that he hasn't had in quite a long time.

"Hope ya keep your word Y/N.." he says softly and you couldn't help but smile as you gently put your hand against his back as you close your eyes as well, leaning your forehead against his shoulder, taking in this moment as silence surrounded you both.

It felt peaceful and calm..your heart was beating against your chest you could hear it in your ears, you open your eyes a bit and look up at him as you smile and he glances down at you with those eyes..

You couldn't help but admire them and you tilt your head a bit as you both stare at each other, admiring one another in silence as he lightly slips up his mask above his head as he looks at you and he couldn't help himself..not with you so close..

His hand gently makes it way against your chin as he lifts your head carefully towards him and he tilts his head as he leans closer, pressing his lips against yours.

Your eyes widen a bit as his lips lock onto yours, as your face burns red and hot. Your heart pounding against your chest as you flutter your eyes closed and you lean up more as you press your lips back against his, the both of you sharing a sweet, gentle kiss.

He holds the kiss for a few more moments before pulling back a bit as he looks down at you, putting his hand against your cheek, causing you to lean into his touch and looking up at him.

"Ya make me feel things I'd never thought I would feel for someone..and I know I don't want to go without this..without you.."

You blush and you smile at him sweetly, putting your hand against his

"Than don't.." You lean back up and kiss him once more, him kissing you back as his other hand makes its way behind your back to hold you close as you share this moment together. Completely forgetting about the nightmare that occurred not that long ago and having your feelings finally come to the surface


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you guys once again for reading my story. It means so much to me to know you guys love and enjoy it! And it makes even better that I finally made the magic happen!! You're welcome ;)

Anyway, hope to see you again in the next chapter! Bye bye~

His favorite nurse (Ghost Riley x Medic! Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें