46. Seduction

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"The Rider. What did he taste of when he kissed you?" demanded Lucian, his voice rougher than usual, challenging the teasing smile on his lips.

Ben cupped his hands around Lucian's face and looked into his eyes. He'd been going to make a playful rejoinder about how sweet it had been but he saw the vulnerability behind the bravado, and changed his mind.

"It wasn't that sort of kiss," he answered, softly.

"Not like this one." He pressed his mouth on Lucian's, his tongue darting out to pry between the closed lips. Lucian resisted for a moment and then surrendered, his mouth opening beneath Ben's, their tongues dancing over each other. He dropped his arms down to Ben's hips, and pulled their bodies into a tight embrace.

Ben closed his eyes, revelling in the sensations. He had no idea what the Rider tasted like, but Lucian was like honey, warm honey with a touch of spice. He angled his head to deepen the kiss. His hands slid under Lucian's jacket, running over the soft material of his shirt, feeling the hard muscles beneath.

He hadn't intended more than a kiss but he could feel Lucian unfurling, hardening against his hip and heat rushed through his body. His heart pounded. He wanted... he wanted more. So much more. They were both adults, alone at last in Lucian's room. What was stopping him?

Ben stepped back then pulled his shirt off over his head in one quick movement.

Lucian's pupils dilated as he stared at Ben's naked chest, his breathing fast and heavy as his fingers fumbled to undo the buttons on his jacket.

Yes! thought Ben, this was going to be so good. His fingers itched to tear the jacket off Lucian, but he held back. Prosaic as the thought was, clothes were valuable commodities in Rhillion. If he tore Lucian's clothes, they couldn't just pop down to the local shop to buy some more.

"Let me help," he offered, reaching for the next button. Lucian dropped his hands, allowing Ben to take over. Both men were breathing hard when, Tap! Tap!

They froze. Ben couldn't believe it.

Someone was knocking on the door.

"Do you think if we ignore them, they'll go away?" he whispered, already resigned to that not happening. He rested his forehead gently against Lucian's.

Lucian gave a strangled laugh. "I fear not. That will be the Healer, come to see me at my request."

"Damnit! I forgot all about her!" Ben summoned up a rueful smile and backed away. He grabbed up his shirt from the floor and pulled it on as quickly as he could, then moved across to stare out the window, allowing his body time to calm down.

"So did I," admitted Lucian. He cleared his throat and called out. "A moment, please, if thou will."

Disappointed as he felt, Ben consoled himself with the thought that at least they both hadn't been naked when the Healer knocked. He couldn't help grinning at the image that conjured up. Maybe later, tonight, when there would be no interruptions... The anticipation had him hastily turning back to face out the window, when the Healer entered a moment later.

She spoke in a rush, looking from one man to the other. "Fair day, Mages! I am glad ye are both here. The Guild Master is failing, at this rate I fear he may not last another day. I don't think we have any choice but to administer a dose of fendalin. Will ye come now and bear witness?"

"We will," Lucian's face was instantly grave, the hot passion of a few moments ago having to be put to one side. "I think thou are making the right decision. He was very poorly when I saw him earlier."
He rebuttonned his jacket and followed the Healer downstairs, Ben close on his heels.

Midor was lying in bed with Myla seated beside him, as if nothing had changed since their last visit, except for the Healer's bag of supplies sitting on the small table. A faint aroma of herbs drifted from the open satchel.

"We will prepare the fendalin," announced the Healer, addressing Myla. The apprentice stood immediately, ready to assist.

The two women drew several items from the bag, including a small mortar and pestle, in which they proceeded to grind a mixture of fresh and dried herbs. The scent was unfamiliar to Ben, although he fancied he caught a touch of thyme in the mix. Both women dipped a forefinger into the bowl and tasted the result. They exchanged a smile of satisfaction.

"And now for the key ingredient," said the Healer.

She took a small tube from an inside pocket of the sachet, and extracted one piece, the size of a grain of rice, with a pair of tweezers. Carefully, she resealed the tube and replaced it inside the bag. When ground into the herb mixture it gave off a foul smell, reminiscent of rotting eggs. A spoonful of brown liquid turned the powder into a paste.

The Healer turned to the two Mages. "We are ready now. Could thee stand, one on either side of him? If he goes into a fit, we might need thee to restrain him."

Ben swallowed nervously but Lucian seemed unfazed and went immediately to the other side of the bed. Hastily, Ben took up position opposite.

Myla opened the Guild Master's mouth, holding it ajar, and the Healer spooned in the mixture, smearing it around his tongue and inner cheeks so that he wouldn't choke. For a moment nothing happened, and then Midor swallowed convulsively. A horrified expression transformed his face into a gargoyle's mask, and Ben put a hand on his shoulder in case he had to hold him down.

The treatment had failed. Was Midor going to die in front of them all?

Midor's eyes flew open and began to cough and spit, phlegm spraying wildly. Ben jumped back out of range and Midor sat up, glaring at everyone.

"What in Rhillion's name was that awful muck? Are ye trying to poison me?"

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