Chapter 7: Too Many Heros

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Hey, just a quick-ish Authors Note.
I apologize for the late update. I know I said I would update a while ago, and I'm sorry I didn't keep my word. I got a bit side tracked with another project, as well as my work and getting pretty sick, but I promise I'm back at it.
To be honest I wasn't entirely sure how what direction I wanted to take this, as I had three possible directions that I really liked but I think I've settled on what I want to do now for this story. If you have any ideas, feel free to comment and let me know, but I can't promise I'll use them in this story.
I do also have a few other ideas that I would like to do and I would like your feedback on whether or not you would like to read those stories. I will put them on a seperate page after this chapeter so you can leave me feedback there.
I would also like to say, since I don't think I have before, that I don't own any of the media pictures that I post. I find all of them on Pintrest. If I post anything that does belong to me I will let you all know, but as for now, none of it is mine.
Anyway, enjoy the chapter (it's only been minorly edited, so please excuse any mistakes)

Danny couldn't help but wonder what it was that Tony needed so late at night. It had to be something urgent if he was not only inviting him to the tower, but also not letting the issue simmer until the next morning.

The teen handed the Taxi driver a fifty, telling him to keep the 30 dollar change as a tip, before making his way into the tower. Danny could see a few of the engineers that worked for the company talking as they headed to the parking garage beneath the building, as well as a larger man standing by a security desk, alongside a man who was actually wearing a security uniform. 

The larger man in the black suit turned to Danny, giving him a once over.

“You Danny Fenton,” He asked. Danny nodded.

“Yes sir, I am. You must be Happy Hogan, head of security, right?”

A small twitch of Happy's lips were his only indication of a smile as he held out a hand for the teen to shake. Danny did so instantly, not wanting to make a bad first impression.

“Yes, that’s me. Thank you for saving Pepper, by the way. Tony and I are very grateful.”

Danny smiled and waved a hand, saying that it was no big deal, and that any decent person would do the same. Happy only shook his head at the kid's modesty.

“Tony is waiting for you in the penthouse. Just enter that elevator and Friday will take you up there,” Happy explained to the teen, gesturing to the elevator.

Danny nodded and thanked the man before walking over to the elevator. He was confused by the lack of call buttons by the door, and was startled when the doors opened all on their own, with no one inside the cab. The teen stepped in cautiously, turning to face the doors once again as they closed.

“Hello, Mr. Fenton. I am Friday. Mr. Stark has asked me to take you to the penthouse,” A feminine robotic voice startled the teen. It was only then that Dannny remembered that the tower had an AI system called Friday.

“Alright, Friday. Let's head on up then.”

The elevator ride was rather short. Shorter than Danny would have liked. He was feeling terribly nervous at the thought of being in the tower, not to mention that he had no idea why he was called to the tower in the first place.

The teen closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he felt the cab slow down, before finally stopping. He opened his eyes as a ding signaled the opening of the elevator doors.

The deep breath he had taken escaped his lungs all at once as he took in the room full of Heros, Anti- Heros, and Secret Agents.

Approximately 45 pairs of eyes landed on the teen all at once, each scrutinizing the teen with looks of confusion and distrust.

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