⚠️willing to convert.

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I waited until 3am. before sliding out of bed and exiting his house quietly.
I walked through the pitch black night until I got to the entrance of home sweet home, I glanced around, making sure to not trigger any motion sensors with my tail, then climbed over the gate, avoiding any cameras that could capture me leaving, as shitty as the camera quality was anyways..

I traveled down a series of dark halways before entering a malfunctioned engine room with a trash disposal in the middle of the ceiling, then I kneeled down and put my hands together.
I heard it crawling down the contorted metal, the scratching making my ears pin back for a second before it jumped down to the ground.
" Hello, my savior.."
I started as I opened my eyes and stood up normally, my hands dropped down to the sides of me.
"What do you have to ask?"
I dropped down to my knees once more.
Afraid of its disapproval.
" I want to convert one of the critters to be saved with me. "
" You want to spare one? Why? You talked about how they all hated you before."
" He doesn't. "
The silence sliced through the air as the prototype stared at me.
".. Convert him to me. Get it done before Saturday. You have a week before I save you and get you what you want."
" Yes, my savior, thank you for your grace." I stayed in that position until the prototype crawled back up the trash disposal, I then got up and walked out and back to the neighborhood.

I woke up to the smell of waffles in the air. I made my way down my stairs and peeked my head around to see catnap cooking.
(Get yall a man that cooks 👏👏)
I tried to sneak up behind him, but I couldn't take a single step before his ears pinned in my direction, and he immediately spoke.
"Good morning."
"Morning!" I excitedly spoke.
" I'm making you breakfast."
He said, his back facing towards me as I stepped into the kitchen and leaned on my fridge.
" Why? What's the occasion?"
" I thought we'd talk over a delicious treat."
His tail swung around behind him and he'd occasionally use it to flip the waffles in the pan while looking away, then he shut the stove off and slid the waffles onto a plate and handed me it.
It has blueberries and chocolate chips in it.
He ruffled the fur on the tol of my head before guiding me to the couch and gesturing me to sit down.
" Are you nit making any for yourself?"
I asked as I sat down and he sat across from me on my love seat.
" I'm not hungry."
I nodded as I put my plate down on the coffee table and slowly started to eat.
" What'd you want to talk about ?"
He stared at me with a menacing grin. It would almost be spine chilling if you didn't know him, but it seemed this was his resting face.. I think..

" I want you to convert." He stared at me unblinkingly as i choked on my food a bit.

" Convert? To what? "
" The prototype. He can save us."
I narrowed my eyes at him.
" Who's the prototype?"
He giggled and gestured for me to finish my food, so I wolfed it down, and he led me outside. We walked through the neighborhood and into home sweet home. He walked up to the gate and used his claw to undo the lock, then opened the gate for me.
(Picture home sweet home as an indent in the floor of a mall. The way to get in is an escalator that's blocked by a gate :) )

" we shouldn't leave catnap.. it's against the policy.."
" It'll be okay. The prototype wants to see you. "
I got nervous and started fidgeting with my hands the moment i stopped out of home sweet home.
If we got caught out by an employee or a kid, I could get discontinued.
He led me into an office looking building that had a flight of stairs right at the door. He saw how scared j was and held my hand.
" We won't get caught. It's okay, silly."
He led me down the stairs and into a breaker room. It was quite big, and there were a lot of run-down and broken engines.
A garbage disposal looking hole in the ceiling opened, and a voice spoke out in a language I couldn't understand. It sounded reversed almost? (Foreshadowing the tape in the orphanage in the actual game ^^ prototype speaks in reverse sometimes :3 )

" evas ot tnaw uoy rettirc eht siht si?"
The voice peirced my ears. A whisper with such a frequency, it was equal to nails on a chalkboard.
" Yes, my savior. "
Catnap smiled at me and signaled me to sit.
As I sat down, there was a gut-wrenching sound coming from the disposal.
It gave the same feeling as running from something when you know it's chasing you, then it jumped down to the floor.
It was a skeletal creature. It looked like a metal spider, but it took up half of the room in size. It stared right at me, its beady eyes slicing through me.
Carnao stood beside me, his hands behind his back, smiling.

"Dogday, wasn't it?"
I nodded out of shear fear and discomfort.
" I recognize you.." it started to walk up to me but stopped about 4 meters away(around 12 feet?)
It just stared at me. Breathing heavily.
" I can save you. I can make you better."
" ..at what price.?" I mumbled. Half expecting to need a blood sacrifice or to sell my soul.
" Believe in me, child."
It stepped closer, extending its arm and caressing my cheek with its claw.
" No need fear. I can hear your heartbeat."
Catnap made me stand with him.
" Convert to me. I am your God.. I can do things no other can. I can protect you."
It retracted its arm and glanced at catnap, who was still smiling.
There was a gut feeling to run away, shear instinct. But a mental part of me felt a sort of comfort towards the prototype.
I saw catnap put his hands together in a praying motion, he dropped to his knees and started speaking in a low mumble that was incoherent, the spider like creature looked pleased, then looked at me.

Without thinking, I put my hands together and dropped to my knees beside catnap.
" I convert myself to you.."

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