Chapter 4

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As I had said before, the only benefits I had in this game was that I was rich. Any problems could be sorted out with money.

That's why very quickly, everything I had in mind was prepared.

"We'll start with the boys, they should be quick," I said to Sparrow as I walked through the garden, through the mahogany door separating this estate into two parts, the front and back. Boys usually stay in the front part of the esate while girls in the back.

I took in the courtyard I had revamped for the plan I had in mind. It was a large and spacious area with lodgings situated inside.

What I had in mind was very simple, that's all I could do at the moment. The grandchildren were what we could bet on, not the sons that were corrupted to its core. But first I had to understand what kind of talents they had.

Even though what the smart granddaughter said was true (she was Lily) that passing the imperial examination and becoming officials seemed to be our and my only route to raise splendor of our family, if the cadidate was foolish and corrupted like their parents, it would not help us one bit.

"Grandmother," the four grandsons greeted me.

"I had looked through your test results." I flipped through the papers in front of me.

I had paid huge amount for famous tutors around the capital to come up with a set of exam papers. Three subjects were included, literature (what was usually being tested in the Imperial Exam), business & mathematics and martial arts. Their results were a mess.

"I mean who would have thought fourteen years old Silver had similar test result as 10 years old Jade. I thought you have at least 4 years more of studying than Jade."

Silver's face turned bright red.

"But nevertheless, everyone has their own talents. I will just say this once." I stacked the horrendous test papers on the table. "I spent an extortionate amount of money to hire your tutors. You will have an exam every 3 months. I might adjust your lessons based on your test results. You will stay in this courtyard from now on. You will have lessons for 5 days followed by 2 rest days. You're free to leave this house during your rest days, but aside from those two days you have to stay here. That door will be locked aside from your rest days. You have your own kitchen and servants. You have your own schedule to follow.

I will support you till you're eighteen. After that if the tutors said you showed potential in taking the Imperial Exam, I will continue to support you. If not, you choose your own path, either go join the army or I will give you an amount for you to start your own business. That's all the family will help you. Everyone has to work, if you do not work, you will not get your pocket money.

Of course, if you are determined to follow a certain route before eighteen, you're free to notify me anytime. See that little box hanging on the door? You can write me letters telling me your aspirations or difficulties. Servants will check the box daily."

I gave them a nod and walked out of the courtyard. I motioned the servant guarding the courtyard to lock the door. I guessed that's when reality sank in, I could hear the boys pleading behind the locked door.

I said I had a plan, but training up talents take time and luck, that's why I could only resort to stupid method. And that's building my own school in my own estate.

Luckily, I had the money to hire the best tutors. It's just 5 days of school, they would not die. And they had their own personal servants and cook. As I had a heart of an angel, I even made sure their food was edible and full of nutrition.

After transporting into a game, I became the Family HeadWhere stories live. Discover now