Chapter 9

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Ben feels my posture stiffen and puts his hands on my shoulders "It's not for long" He reassures me. Regardless of how long it is, it's still not easy. I feel like having Ben behind me is some sort of safety blanket, a comfort blanket. I take a deep breath, looking away from Will and turning to face Ben.

I nod "I know, just a few days"

He smiles down at me. I know that if he wasn't in front of me right now, I'd probably be storming out of the house but I can't do that, not in front of Will. For some reason, I want to show him that he doesn't bother me, that his presence doesn't bother me but I'm sure he knows me better than that.

"Do you want to stay up here or go down and say hi?"

His question makes me think. What I'd really like to do is leave and not come back until they're gone but then that'd make me almost as cowardly as them. Let's go down, I'm not letting him know that he bothers me.

We walk out of my room and I can hear them loud and clear. Will's mom, Annie is talking about how beautiful the town and the house is, she's always been the talkative type which I used to like, now I wish she'd stop talking. I walk down the stairs, turning right towards the kitchen and entering the dark blue and grey room. They're all stood around the counter and Emmy's sat on it in front of my mom.

I feel the urge to move her away from them, to protect her from them. I don't know why I have these urges, perhaps it's my anger towards Will talking, or the anger towards them all for being cowards. I know my mom won't address how they didn't help, I know she'd find it awkward and unnecessary.

My mom is a very calm woman, it's why her and my dad went so well together. She was always calming him down, although I think that was through her witchcraft too. My dad used to hate that she'd use witchcraft on him, he was never annoyed at her being a witch, he loved that she was different and powerful but when it came to her powers over him, it frustrated him.

"Arabella" Annie greets me, her smile lighting up her face.

I'm wary of her but I can't be rude. I smile back. "Hi, how are you?" I ask her.

My eyes scan the rest of the room, Will and he dad are watching me carefully and it angers me, even the slightest look from them is making me mad.

"I'm good" She says "How are you?" He tone is soft, sympathetic. I hate it.

"Great, thanks"

I look to my mom "We're heading out for the afternoon" I say, making the plans up.

I haven't discussed it with Ben but being in everyones presence had made me realise just how little I want to be here.

"Oh" She says, surprised "Where are you going?"

Ben interrupts when I fall silent. I don't know what there is to do in this town. "We're all going surfing"

He says. I look up at him. Surfing? This time of year?

"Well make sure you wear a thick wetsuit, you're not as hot as these werewolves, Arabella"

I nod "I know, mom. I'll make sure I wear one." Or not wear one at all. I'll watch. I love sport, I hate the cold.

"That will be fun!" Annie says, her enthusiasm pains me. "Maybe we'll stop by on a walk" Please don't.

Me and Ben say out goodbye's and go, with my mom shouting at me to get my swimming costume before we do. I've never been surfing before and whilst I think how hard can it be for a witch who can control elements, I also think that going against nature just to look better is wrong. No witch powers allowed in today's activity.

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