27. Her surprise

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It has been nearly a week since our return from the farmhouse following an enjoyable treasure hunt

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It has been nearly a week since our return from the farmhouse following an enjoyable treasure hunt.

Now, I believe I've begun to heal from the painful incident in which I lost our baby.

But, it still pains me, thinking that if I had been a bit more cautious, I might not have lost our child.

Recently, I've observed something that escaped my notice earlier, possibly because I was deeply engrossed in that unfortunate incident. Nowadays, Man doesn't approach me intimately. Perhaps, he fears causing me more pain or believes I'm not ready. His apprehension hurts, and the absence of such closeness leaves me longing.

It's not only about intimacy, but also the joy that envelopes me when I'm near him. The closeness, the warmth of a hug, brings me solace. I yearn for that feeling. Though we hug, and he tenderly kisses my forehead or gives a gentle peck on my lips, it doesn't go beyond that. I can't help but feel responsible for this distance.

Perhaps he was right in the first month. Maybe I wasn't ready then, dealing with so much pain. But now, it's been quite a while. I don't want to keep him waiting, nor do I want to wait any longer. So, I've formulated a plan.

It's time to set aside the shy and sweet Akshita and let the bold Akshita take center stage.

My lips curled into a smirk as I entertained the notion.

In the evening

Today, fortunately, Maan was away at the office, not working from home. It presented the perfect opportunity to set my plan in motion.

I was in the room, contemplating how to kickstart my plan, when an idea struck me. I hurried downstairs to the kitchen, making sure to stay out of sight so that Ma or anyone else wouldn't notice me.

Upon entering the kitchen, I scoured the area for candles. I needed quite a few. After a brief search of 2-3 minutes, I opened the cabinet in the right corner. There they were - candles.

I brought them inside and strategically placed them around the room, refraining from lighting them just yet.

After that, I scoured the cabinet in our room to find some fairy lights.

Additionally, I made some more preparations, such as arranging food, decorating the bed beautifully, and dimming the lights in the room.

I informed Ma that Maan will be having dinner outside and mentioned that I wasn't feeling well, creating an excuse to have our dinner in the room.

The clock approached 8:45, and the sound of Man's car horn echoed. Excitement surged through me as I rushed to the window, catching a glimpse of his car entering the parking lot. Ready, I began finalizing the preparations.

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