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Ch. 21: Atomic Rage

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This was the worst moment of my life. I could take being beat up, abducted and poisoned. I could handle being thought of by Sury's human population as the Big Bad Wolf. But hell...seeing Calla being led into a forced union with, of all people, Aamon, made me want to burn down the entire world.

This was worse than my nightmares. Gone was the self-denial where I claimed to myself and all who would hear me that Calla meant nothing to me. No. If that were the truth, the rage wouldn't be building inside of me—an atomic bomb about to drop right on my unsuspecting brother's head.

I sat there stewing as my father continued with the mating proposal. "I know how this younger generation prefers to do things," he said to the several dozen people gathered on the rooftop to witness the event. A camera clicked and I twisted my head, realizing that Gerald had invited a reporter. Because of course, he had. This monumental announcement wasn't meant to remain a private family affair.

"These two, I'm sure, would have preferred to date without the interference of their parents, developing their mate bond over time, and then asking us for permission to make their union officially recognized." He smiled at Aamon, who nodded his head in agreement. I hadn't seen my brother so happy since the Jackson twins had asked if they could both spend last New Year's Eve with him. Fuck, with all his talk of settling down with a mate and my inclination to believe he was referring to Calla, I should have been more prepared for this.

"But..." Gerald put on his stern face. "As you know, the werewolves of Sury are facing a critical juncture, one in which our fate as fellow citizens standing side-by-side with our human compatriots is very much at risk. The city is at a breaking point, and people—both humans and werewolves—are exhausted by the negativity, bloodshed, threats of further violence, and discordance. What we all need is a grand and joyous occasion to look forward to—something that will give the city the boost it needs to go into the Lunaris Tournament on a high note. And so, this..." he gestured towards Aamon and Calla, "is it. A strong, beautiful young couple who will unite two formally feuding packs, thereby symbolizing the potential to all live together in peace and harmony."

To those around me, Calla must have looked like a picturesque statue carved by one of the great masters. The Goddess Venus, she would be called, and generations of people would marvel at her beauty. But behind her poised and carefully neutral appearance, I felt the turbulence of someone whose heart was breaking, and whose will was now divided.

What should I do? she called out to me. I'm trapped.

I had so much to say to her, but Gerald wasn't done talking yet. "And so, the lovely Simone Bardot and I have moved up our timeline, for the sake of our city, and we will solidify the mating between our beloved children on the eve of the Tournament.

The turbulence both Calla and I felt reached plane crash levels. The eve of the Tournament was the day after the referendum vote.

The truth could not be more apparent. Gerald and Simone didn't care whether Aamon was truly Calla's mate. This union was entirely political. Humans adored the mating unions between the upper echelons of werewolf society. It was a spectacle on par with European royal weddings. If we dangled this spectacle like a carrot in front of Sury's citizens, they might be more inclined to vote in our favor. After all, a vote against werewolves would mean this event would be canceled. And surely, Gerald intended to promote that fact over the next ten days.

"So soon?" Calla leaned in towards her mother. "There isn't enough time to prepare."

"The groundwork for this union was laid months ago," Simone said. "Of course, there is a lot to do before now and then, but what joyful work it will be!"

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