05, talking to the moon.

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❝ i'll watch your life in pictures like
how i used to watch you sleep. ❞



I haven't an idea how to start this, but I guess this is how it's going. 

It's been three years. I think you know that. 

I haven't an idea how your three years have been, but mine have been a chaotic mess, but in the best way possible. I think coming here was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Apart from you, of course.

I have a whole new set of friends now, and they're genuinely the nicest and coolest people ever. I won't lie, there's some cute guys here, but none of them could ever compare to you. 

Apart from school, I think I might start a career as a singer out here. I could sing my grandmother's old songs in memory of her. She always wanted to be a performer, you know. I just want to uphold her legacy.

Anyway, enough about me. How are you?

I talked to Julianna recently, she said you've been holding up pretty well. You're in the University now, aren't you? Studying to become future President of Panem, I'm sure. You can't tell but I'm kind of laughing right now. 

I really miss you. I miss our little fits of laughter and every argument we'd ever had. I miss your touch and your presence. I just miss you. All of you. I still think about you a lot, almost every spare minute I have. I still kept our promise. I still talk to you at every moon. I still think about you every time it snows. 

I know you said you'll be by my side forever, but I can't feel you anymore. My clothes have lost your scent and I can't remember your smell anymore. I can't remember your touch or your voice and even your face has started to get foggy. I look at photos I've collected of us to avoid forgetting your smile, but I don't think I can hold on much longer.

It's like your disappearing underneath my touch. I'm holding out for you to grab on, but you're just vanishing. 

I want you to come back to me. I want to be in your arms again. But I can't, and it's my fault, I know. I'm sorry, Coryo. 

But please, please just remember that I do still love you. I will love you forever. Until the end of time. 

In another life, I would be your girl. We'd keep all our promises and it'd be us against the world forever. Maybe in another multiverse, we're together and happy. I like to think about it that way.

I don't want to burden you and your life any further, so I'll end it here.

Thank you for everything, Coriolanus. 

Charlotte Vanderbilt.

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