Chapter three

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After Cassie hung up, our conversation was still lingering in my head. I kept on replaying it over and over and over again. 'What exactly was her game?' 'Where would it have led if I didn't stop going along with her charade?' 'Does that girl ever think with her noggin?'

There was no point asking myself those pointless questions, after all the most accurate answer would be; 'it's just Cassie, that's what she does.'

The darkness of my room finally was working it's magic as I felt myself slowly drifting into sleep.

"Ask me what I'm wearing" she whispered through the phone.

"What are you wearing?" I replied in a whisper, feeling my heart beating uncontrollably against my ribcage.

"Nothing besides a white shirt" she huffed.

"Fuck..." I sighed, starting to physically feel her effect on me. "Why are we still on this Cas?"

"Hmm, I like how my name comes out of your mouth" she dodged the question, softly moaning. "You can tell me to stop anytime, Sydney" she remarked, making sure by the time she finishes her sentence that my name comes out as a breathless sigh.

"I... fuck why are you doing this to me?" I asked, although I didn't really want to know the answer.

"I'm not doing anything Syd, it's all you. Weren't you the one who went to sleep thinking about me, about our phone call last night, about the fact I could have actually been wearing nothing but a shirt while talking to you..."

'Shit, I was dreaming about her, fuck me.'

I woke up once it clicked that I was dreaming. 'Fucking hell, fuckkk, fuck, fuck, fuck!!! Fuck me! No, fuck YOU Cassie! Jesus what the hell?' My frustration didn't stem from the fact that I was dreaming about a woman, nope, it was because I was dreaming about her, Cassie.

'This isn't good, nor appropriate' I though. I didn't know what to do. 'I can't just stop talking to her, ignore her or avoid her, its summer, there is literally nothing to do in this shithole of a town. And, she is my best friend, well my only friend; it wouldn't be fair on me or on her to just cease contact out of the blue'

I lit a cig while pondering as the sun was slowly rising, looking at it I felt lonely, the type of lonely you feel when you're at a crowded party with lots of people around you, yet there you are feeling more secluded than ever.

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