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NOTE: The person up there is Leilani, Luke's sister

Rosella's POV

The past few weeks has been a hustle, juggling school work as well as caring for mom and my brothers. Everyone's been really stressed about the whole disappearance thing which I found out when I came back from school.

I'm super glad Alyssa's back and now everything will go back to normal. After our emotional moment in her room, we all left her to get some rest. "Just gonna say this, we aren't letting them get close to each other right?" Axel asked raising his eyebrows as he leaned on the wall.

"Heck no! He broke her once, I don't care about that crap he said back there" Angelo scoffed. I knew they were talking about Damon and Alyssa.

"Let them sort it out themselves guys. Alyssa's hurting and she just needs her famiglia with her right now" I said patting them both on their shoulders. I passed by Leilani's room where I saw Luke begging her to come out.

"Lei isn't gonna open up. You left your family alone and she had to put up with everything" I told him and he only roughed his hair before resuming his banging. I could only sigh and walk away.

Maybe I should enroll myself in a hostel...

Alyssa's POV

After getting enough sleep, I showered and wore a comfy sweater with a pair of baggy shorts and packed my hair in a ponytail. Reaching for one out of my numerous collections of books, I looked at the cover.

 Reaching for one out of my numerous collections of books, I looked at the cover

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Don't turn around by Michelle Gagnon...Nice

I settled in my bean bag and flipped through the pages. The smell of a new book is so refreshing. I grabbed my reading glasses and started reading. Halfway through the eight chapter, I heard my stomach grumble and immediately stood up.

I hadn't eaten since this morning, I guess that was the reason for my fatigue. Stepping out of the room, I rushed down the flight of stairs almost falling but steadied myself as I raced towards the kitchen. Mom was already in there but she turned when she heard my sounds.

"Hey baby" She brought out the panettone she was baking and came over to me. "Ciao mamma (Hey mom)" I pecked her cheeks before making my way to the cupboard where the chocolate chip cookies were kept and got some mint chocolate ice-cream to go with it. I at down on the island but before I could take a spoon of my ice-cream, mom wacked my head with a wooden spoon.

"Ouch, what was that for?" I asked rubbing the spot she hit. "No frozen dessert before dinner" She snatched my ice-cream and dropped only three cookies before walking away. She took a big spoon out of the ice-cream before putting it back in the freezer. I stared at the cookies on the plate wondering how I was supposed to manage.

"What's for dinner?" I asked as I picked out the chocolate chips in the cookies. "Chicken Cacciatore with a side of roasted garlic broccoli and mashed potatoes" She replied as she started to mash up the remaining potatoes.

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