Chapter 145: The Disabled Little Beauty and his Mr. Dragon (1)

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  "It's nothing serious. The young master should be careful. There is just one more thing that the young master needs to pay attention to."

  The old housekeeper on the side took out a notepad from his chest pocket and prepared to record the doctor's words with a pocket pen attached to the small notepad.

  The doctor half-turned around, giving instructions to both the old housekeeper and the young master.

  "The young master may need to strengthen the barrier patch on the glands on the back of his neck. The young master's glands develop slower than his peers. Now that he is gradually getting better, he naturally needs to be taken seriously."

  "The young master's pheromones are S-level, which are fatal temptations for those inferior Alphas, so they need to be protected even more."

  Although Chi Baian was a little confused and had never heard of some of the terms used during this period, such as pheromones and AO, he still shrank in fear when he heard the second half of the sentence and exposed himself outside the goose down quilt. little feet.

  "Is there any way to solve it?" The old housekeeper's notes are densely packed, and the notebook is also a bit thick. Almost all of the records in it are the little habits that the little rabbit needs to pay attention to since he was a child. At this time, the pen tip is only one millimeter away from the paper. The elderly housekeeper habitually wanted to write down the distance.

  Dr. Beta, who is gentle and soft-spoken, also seems a little troubled. "This is the young master's innate condition. We cannot change it. Perhaps we can replace the barrier patch with a barrier collar that can better block the leakage of pheromones."

  Little Rabbit hugged a ball of quilt and leaned softly against the head of the bed. He seemed to understand very little of the conversation between the two in front of him, and was secretly worried that he could not help.

  "It's okay An'an, let me transmit the background of this plane to you now."

  The little squirrel looked a little frustrated when he saw that his little host couldn't help, so he decided to comfort him first and introduce the background of the plane to the host first.

  After Chi Baian understood what ABO was and the basic elements of this type of plane, his horizons instantly broadened a lot.

  The two people in front of him were still talking, and Little Rabbit continued to sit aside obediently and listen. Based on the background he had already learned, he could probably understand what the housekeeper and the doctor were talking about.

  "What's more, the young master is still a rare half-animal, so he should be protected even more."

  The doctor explained a few more words and left with the medical kit.

  The old housekeeper put away the notepad, took off his reading glasses and wiped them with a silk scarf.

  "Young master, please rest in bed for a while. I'll go down and order the servants to make breakfast."

  When leaving the room, the old housekeeper glanced at their young master.

  The young master is still as pure and innocent as the first snow, with no trace of impurities in his clear eyes, just like a snow elf who has strayed into the mortal world. However, such a little baby was born with a congenital disability. Without his tail, it is difficult to even control his balance. There are also some defects in the secondary sexual characteristics. Seeing that he is getting older and will soon be unable to take care of the young master, the old housekeeper's somewhat cloudy eyes actually become a little moist.

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