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a new danger next door.

Saiki wasn't so sure what the dark-haired girl was thinking. He's sure she's not like Nendou, but does it mean she's the same as him? Before he went inside their house, he noticed an envelope in the mail and decided to open it. The first sentence made him a bit nervous.

To Saiki Kusuo,

             I know you're psychic. Of course, I have no intention of telling other people about it. I wrote this letter to let you know that I'm not your enemy and I want to be your apprentice. Actually, I have unusual powers too. But they're nothing like yours, master. But it's because of the powers that I learned from you.

            I'll come to visit and introduce myself soon.

– your loyal servant

'Good grief, he's already calling me master.' he said and put the letter on his desk.

For him, it's surprising to know that there are more psychic users besides him. But that doesn't mean he's letting them come here.

He gently removed a very thin glove away from his right hand and used psychometry. It's an ability to read 'remaining wills' from an object by touching it. He usually keeps this power sealed. It may sound like Kaidou, but it's true. This is one of the crappiest powers ever™. Therefore, he wears gloves that are transparent and so thin that the naked eye can't see.

After he finished, he already determined his identity. He has a different type of superpower than Saiki. It's hard to believe, so he decided to wait for the 'greeting'.

He said that he'll see Saiki soon, but he did not expect him to come the next day.

"Huh.. just a normal house... I was expecting a mansion. Wait, don't get me wrong! The house is still amazing, though. Oh right! I'll introduce myself." The not-so-tall purple-haired guy said while looking around Saiki's room.

'So he's the owner of the letter.'

"Nice to meet you, master! My name is Toritsuka Reita! I'm 16 years old and... I don't need to tell, right? Because you already read my mind! Well, that's it! Please take care of me! Ah... I'm really sorry, I got too excited! I've heard so many rumors about you-- not from people, of course!"

'Is he really a psychic? He doesn't look like one.'

"It was all from the ghosts, though."

The ghost psychic type. They're similar to psychic powers but somewhat different.

"I don't even know ghosts exist."

"You can't see ghosts right, master?!"

"I can't really see them. Do they really exist?"

"Yeah, I can see so much there's some even now."

"Even. Now?"

"Not so many, though. Like around 15 or so."


Toritsuka started to describe the ghosts around here, especially that one rubbing his butt on Saiki's face.

"But you know, Saiki, you're really popular in the ghost world! Psychic users are so rare that they always gather and talk about it! Anyways, who cares about that?! I'm here to say that please let me be your apprentice!"

Saiki glared at him, "Forget that. What's with the one beside me?"

"It's fine, he won't hurt you!" 'He's still rubbing his butt on his face, though.'

HIDDEN THOUGHTS. saiki kusuoWhere stories live. Discover now