8.0 A Kiss in the Escape Room

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On a bright weekend morning at Belle's house, Alex, Noah, Belle, and Milo gathered around the breakfast table, enjoying a peaceful start to the day. Suddenly, the door swung open, and Ethan stormed in, complaining to Milo about being left alone at their house.

Milo, with a teasing smile, remarked on Ethan's clinginess, suggesting that Belle might not be too thrilled to have him over for breakfast after the previous day's incident. The group's dynamics shifted as they navigated through this unexpected encounter, setting the tone for the day ahead.

In the midst of breakfast, Alex's curiosity about Ethan's words lingered in the air. Before Milo could spill the details, Belle intervened, assuring that Ethan didn't mean any harm. However, with her mischievous side prevailing, Belle offered Ethan breakfast with a playful comment, teasingly referring to herself as a 'good whore.' This sparked a protective reaction from Alex, only to be calmed down by Belle, who insisted it was just a joke.

Despite Ethan's apologies and Belle's reassurances, the tension in the room remained palpable. Belle went on to explain that Ethan, while mischievous, never harbored any true malice, and his actions were often light-hearted, even if sometimes on the edge of audacity.

Noah skillfully shifted the conversation to another audacious topic – Milo's daring venture into Belle's house despite her parents' return. As if on cue, Belle's parents descended, catching Milo off guard. With cold sweat, Milo attempted to make a swift exit, but Belle's parents intercepted, playfully questioning why he was in such a hurry to leave. Belle's dad, perhaps with a hint of humor, asked Milo about his dad's lingering sentiments toward them. The air filled with curiosity and playful banter.

Milo, with a tinge of sadness, confirmed that his dad still harbored resentment toward Belle's dad. Belle's dad, disappointed, received a comforting gesture from Belle's mom. She reassured Milo that their parents' disputes shouldn't overshadow Belle and Milo's friendship. Meanwhile, Ethan, unfazed by the tension, continued munching on his breakfast. To lighten the mood, Belle's dad playfully pinched Ethan's cheeks, appreciating the simplicity of enjoying a meal despite the lingering tension. The breakfast tableau painted a mix of emotions and dynamics in Belle's household.

Ethan, holding his pinched cheeks, asked if Belle's parents knew him. Belle's dad explained that in a small town, everyone tends to know each other, especially since Ethan is Milo's cousin. His previous connection with Milo's dad made Ethan familiar to Belle's parents. Ethan expressed surprise at this revelation, and Belle, equally taken aback, questioned the notion of them being cousins. Milo chuckled, pointing out that their shared last name should have been a clear indicator all along. The discovery added a layer of family dynamics to the breakfast conversation.

Belle's dad continued his playful teasing, questioning Ethan's age and joking that he might have been exchanged with Noah at the hospital. Noah, fed up with the teasing, asserted that he was not blood-related. Belle's mom then inquired if Belle and Alex had been joining in on teasing Noah, leading to laughter. Belle's dad playfully remarked that Ethan resembled a younger Alex, and Noah's eyes were similar to Milo's, suggesting he might be a Turner. Belle's mom, hitting her husband playfully, told him to stop teasing Noah. In response, Noah hugged his mom, stating that she was the only one on his team. The light banter added a familial warmth to the breakfast scene.

Belle's mom playfully sulked as she just got home, and Belle and her brothers were already going out. Milo explained that they were going to an escape room, but the maximum per game was five people. Since there were six members in the club, they invited Noah and Alex, forming two teams with four members each to ensure nobody felt left out. As they headed out, Noah jokingly returned to warn his parents that he already had a difficult little sister, so they should use protection to avoid having another gremlin running around. With that, he joined the group, adding a touch of humor to their outing.

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