Princess in distress

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   My Adams apple bobbed up and down. She called my real name, not War. And if I didn't like the way it sounded coming from her lips.
" Princess" I stated. My chest heaving softly.

I wanted to ask her what she was doing to me and where she got her powers from but I held it back. Tonight. I wanted to be Elias. Not War, but Elias for her. Except I'm triggered of cause.

" Would you like to come in princess?" I asked trying to control the need to possess her from sounding out in my voice. She looked past me into the room then looked back at me again, before nodding shortly.

I moved out of the way gesturing into the room and she entered. Her scent blowing past my nose as she walked past me. I closed the door and stood watching her.

She walked further into the room then turned around to look at me
" Do you think I need to change, like a disguise or something?" She asked. Nervousness rolling of her features.

I leaned my back against the door and folded my arms across my chest.
" No" I replied.
" I mean.. so I wouldn't be recognized.. or you know... Someone might recognize me and tell my father... I don't want..." She rambled on..

" Princess" I called calmly cutting her rambling short. She stared at me.
" You're with me. I'll kill anyone who recognises you or tries to make you uncomfortable" I said and I meant every word

She stared at me speechless. Before finally finding her voice.
" You won't kill anyone" She said. Almost like she was ordering me. I raised an eyebrow but decided to remain silent, knowing that I certainly would if I had to.

I leaned off the wall
" Are you ready to see the village princess?" I asked and she nodded. She was excited but also nervous.

* *

    Once it got dark enough. I and the princess left the palace and into the village we went. The village market was still awake. Lights were lit, people chatted and some even danced around. I stood at a distance with the princess. I couldn't walk with her.

I was way too big and I was dressed in my warrior attire, Also the princess was dressed in a forest green gown which screamed wealth. We both together would draw too much attention.

" Go ahead and explore princess, I'll be behind you" I said. She looked at me as if asking if it was really okay for her to go.
" Go on" I said and she took a step forward, then two and she started walking towards the busy market.

I walked into the shadows keeping a good distance away from the princess and the market, which I did not like, but I had to stay out of sight. However my eyes never left the princess for even a second. I watched her walk into the market, earning glances from people.

Some even stood to watch her. I could tell she didn't like that and it made her uncomfortable.
' They're all dead' I said to myself. She looked at a few things in the market but all the time, she was tense.

A few men were at a corner. I saw how they looked at her with their filthy eyes. They whispered amongst themselves and although I was far away. I heard every word.
" Ahh a beautiful woman eh?" One said a smile spreading on his lips, showing that he lacked one tooth. He'd loose all tonight.

" She looks rich.... Why will an elite come out alone at night?" Another asked
" Maybe we could get some money from her?" Another one suggested.

My hands turned into fists. The princess, not knowing these men's evil intent, she walked past them, her fingers fidgeting. She was far from comfortable. Her eyes darted around, searching for....... Me? She was scared.

She looked almost adorable at that moment but then I saw their eyes follow her hungrily. The fourth man who hadn't said a word before finally spoke.
" She seems lost. How about we offer her a little direction" he said suggestively as he rolled his eyebrows. They all laughed. They wouldn't be laughing by the time I was done with them.

All of the anger that had been suppressed inside of me for the past days suddenly started to resurface.
   The princess finally made it away from the market and all the lingering eyes. She walked into a quiet street where only the moon gave light. I could sense her fear like it was mine, only that I feared nothing.

I couldn't go to her yet, I had some mistakes for lives to end. The men actually followed her away from the market into the street giving her enough distance so she wouldn't notice them. Good. Because wouldn't want her to see them anyway.

" Elias?" I heard her whisper shout my name as she looked side by side. She was becoming frantic.
" Where are you?" She said under her breath.
God! I am wanted to go to her  and assure her that I didn't leave her for one second but I had to let out my anger first.

   Once the men had moved far enough from the market as well and were now looking for the princess . I decided it was time to get acquainted with them. I stood by the side of the street that was lined with grasses and trees at each side. I waited for them to get to where I was.

If they weren't s focused on searching for the princess. Even searching under low grasses as if she could hide there, they could've seen me but of course. Such people like them lacked luck.

They were finally about walking past me, still not noticing me. They probably thought I was tree as well. Idiots.
" Hello" I said. All of my murderous instincts coming back in loads. They turned to see me and staggered away from me. They weren't drunk but still very stupid.

They were thin, useless men. I towered over them a great deal.
" Who... Who are you?" The one missing a tooth spoke pointing his dry finger at me. Who on Earth gave this idiot the right to question me?

I pulled out my dagger from the side of my boot. Now they were all afraid, taking slow steps backwards. It angered me the more knowing that they didn't even have any intention of fighting back.

Fine then. I'd just have to kill them quickly so I could go back to my princess in distress.

                  Please read!!!

The chapter ahead has alot of violence, just in case you get triggered.

Also. I want to know if you guys like smut. Or Adult/mature scenes. I'm asking in advance. I don't usually write such as I've never had the experience myself even tho I'm 20yrs old. so I always try to skip it. But I can give it a try. It's up to you guys tho.

The question comes again. Would you guys like to read adult/mature scenes?

Please... Please I like reading your comments. Please vote & comment. 🧡

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