Happy Anti Patriarchy Day

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From Sati practice to slavery to female genital mutilation to domestic violence, women have come a long way, yet we still label our society as PATRIARCHY.

Being housewife synonymous with being illiterate and working outside is considered as ill-mannered? Society rejects fat, short, and black girls but at the same time ignores thin, tall, and white in search for Perfection Despite this, after going so much in her life we still label our society as PATRIARCHY .

Enduring labor pain is normal, while standing up for oneself is the biggest crime. Society readily judges women but hesitates to praise her as they are better than their husband or brother. After enduring all this, we still continue to call it has a PATRIARCHY Society?

Societal judgment is incessant because, indeed, we inhabit a patriarchal society. Nevertheless, let's raise a resounding toast to the women defiantly standing as successful business magnates, astute scholars, or impeccable housewives, excelling in their pursuits.

A big round of applause for women who endure rape, domestic violence, sexual assault, divorce, and single parenthood - judged every second, yet resilient in the face of societal scrutiny.

We take immense pride in your courage, illuminating the stark reality of a patriarchal society. Women deserve acknowledgment not solely on International Women's Day but every single day. Let's jubilantly commemorate Happy Anti-Patriarchy Day.
                                                          —SIMIN QURESHI

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