The Flustered King and the Healer.

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Wait! Fear had a daughter. A hybrid at that. To think someone like him having a mate wasn't very pleasing. Or there might be other possibilities.

"Like, his mate's?" I question.


"And his mate was a witch?" It sounded more like a statement.

"A powerful one." He gives.

"Oh, no wonder she's strong." I think out loud.

He starts giving out orders and helping the wolves trying to mend the destroyed area. On one of his orders the mages from the pack all come up and start repairing and replacing the damage done.

Mages were the werewolves who could use magic and sorcery. It could be through bloodlines or bestowed gift.


It was already afternoon by the time we returned, and I had been growing hungry for some time now. My mate had gone to freshen up after all the hard work. Alex had come around 10 minutes ago to inform us that Leah was awake.

I decide to prepare a quick lunch in his private kitchen on this floor. I get my hands on ingredients for pasta.
As I am about to serve the pasta a delicious scent catches my attention. I turn around in order to get a view of the owner of the scent. Yep, behold my mate stands in front of me shirtless, the droplet of water after shower shone under the light on his perfectly toned body. I start counting his packs, a perfect 6 packs. And from the way I was staring at him, my mouth and eyes must have been wide open. Droplets danced at the end of his bang's half fallen over his eyes. And my wolf's pervy thoughts for cherry to top it off with. Shut the fuck up Rieka! I curse inwardly.

What the heck dude? What does he even eat to maintain this perfect body? How come his tan makes him look so hot? How much does he even work out? How could someone so handsome exist?
"Just look at our mate, he looks delicious." Rieka adds. 'Pervert' I reply to her followed by an eye roll.

"Slow down, darling. I am all yours. Take your time. And questions, one at a time." His words bring me out of my thoughts. I look up in order to meet his smirk. Quite confident and a little annoying I see. For crying out loud, why does this guy read my mind? And my cheeks must have given away on how flustered I was.
"Umm, I was just doing what any girl would do. What's the great deal? It isn't like you are the most handsome guy I have ever seen." I just lied. No way I would come across anyone better than this guy. He was too handsome for anyone to beat. 

His smirk only grows. Fuck! Why God? Why am I such an idiot? Why do I have masters in embarrassing myself? Why can't I even remember he is a freaking telepath? 

"I don't mind." He grins. Fuck! Have I ever told you how cute this guy grins. He is way too cute to keep my hands to myself. Don't get the wrong idea I mean; I have this irresistible urge to pinch his cheeks. 

He finally walks up while putting on a black T on the way. He then, carelessly places himself on the counter in front of me. He bends down a little bit in order to get closer to me. 

"Go on, I won't complain." He whispers in my ears. I slowly raise both my hands and reach his cheeks. I subconsciously caress his cheek and slowly and softly pinch then. A soft smile finds its way to my lips. I hold on a little longer. A moment later I see that the end of his ears turned red, slowly the blush reaches his cheeks as I attempt to remove my hands. I look at him in more like amusement. 

"Wa- what's wrong?"  He stutters. 

"Not every day you get to see the Rogue King flustered. Do you?" I smirk in a playful way.

"The pasta will get cold." he decides to change the topic. 

"Mmhmm, not bad Alpha, a reason good enough." I tease.

"Wouldn't want to let this chance to taste the meal prepared by my mate go to waste. Nah." He smiles proudly like a kid who had won a race.

Even the Rogue King can be childish when it comes to mates huh.

"Whatever." I say as I serve the creamy pasta. 

I start to feel nervous since this is the first time my mate's going to taste the food I prepared. Usually, I am confident when it comes to cooking. But right now, I felt quite restless.  

He finally takes a spoon full of pasta, closes his eyes for a brief moment. 

"My mate seems to have mastered the art of cooking I see." He speaks. 

I look up a little uncertainly. 

"Don't trust me? Taste for yourself." he raises his spoon filled with pasta towards me. For a moment I feel the blood rush to my cheeks. I however, open my mouth and let him feed me. Good, it tastes great. I knew I was a great cook. I must have won all the prices for cooking in the world. I am the best. I mentally pat myself. 

Suddenly, loud laughing brings me out of my self-appreciating moment. I look at my mate who is laughing at me like he has witnessed the funniest thing in the world. 

"What?" I look at him confusedly. He pauses for moment. Then again looks at me and bursts out laughing. 

"You. are. sooo. funny." He somehow breathes between his fits of laughter. 

And then realization dawns on me. Holy fuck was I boasting and bluffing myself when this mate of mine could hear my thoughts. Oh, my goodness, I wish the ground would open and swallow me. What the hell Esmeray. 

"It's fine Ray. You are best cook indeed. And this is the best thing I have ever eaten." He offers while a genuine smile plays on his lips.

"He gave us nick name girly." Rieka decides to add. 

And it's beautiful. I start to feel giddy at the sound of it. 

After a peaceful silence while the sound of our spoons scratching the plates was resonating around, I decide to ask the question that has been bugging me since the incident before.

"Umm... did Leah face any heartbreaking incidents recently?" I finally voice my thoughts.

"A lot." Is his short reply.
"Ohh" I reply wishing him to elaborate.

"With the gap of few months every while. First her twin half siblings died. Followed by her dad's death. Then, she was rejected two months ago." He stops eating and serves himself with the seconds.
"If you are asking me about her, then first of all her mom left her when she was still five. And her dad never loved her. He married another woman, a rogue refugee. And had twins, a male and a female. Leah loved them with all her heart. However, one thing led to another and three years ago they both died. So, nothing has been good in her life. The only family for her now is me and Sarah even though we aren't related by blood." He finishes between his eating.

"Oh, that's a lot of information. Was she rejected too recently? " I ask a genuine question for a healer.

"Yep, three months ago." He speaks.

Then again, I am a healer and that is one of the reasons I could withstand a rejection unlike other wolves who would at least need a year to get over the heartbreak. That must be the reason she has been losing control over her powers. And seems like she has been a target of bullying for some time now. There are only few people she trusts. 

I will heal her. If I don't what is the reason for my existence.

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