chapter 8

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Both couldn't sleep. They were thinking about how they almost lost control last night. It's a new feeling for both of them.

"Hi, are you sleeping?" Way asked.

"No," Pete replied.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just talking to you."

"Did you get a reply from your ex?"

"No, he hasn't seen it."

"Okay, good night," Way said.

"Thank you for helping."

"You're welcome. Can I ask you something?"

"Yes," Way replied, unsure of what Pete wanted to ask.

"About a few hours ago..." Pete hesitated, wanting to know if Way felt something or not, if it was just a momentary attraction or more.

"Yeah, I didn't mean anything by it. Don't feel uncomfortable. I know you just wanted my help, nothing else," Way reassured him.

"Good night," Pete replied.

Did I say something wrong? Way wondered.

After some time, they both fell asleep.

Their bond grew stronger day by day; they became best friends. And of course, Way stopped calling Pete "senior." They spent most of their time together but they are just friends; they didn't realize how much they love each other.

"Look, Pete, he's perfect for you," Way said, showing a handsome boy for Pete to date.

"No, I don't want to. You know I don't trust anyone because of my last relationship."

"Okay, as you wish. I'm really fed up now; don't talk to me from today," Way said, frustrated but still encouraging Pete to give another chance in his love life.

"Don't do this, you know I only have you," Pete pleaded.

"If I agree to date, will you?" Way asked, surprised by Pete's reluctance.

"Okay, I will date," Pete replied.

"I'll send you photos, select anyone, and I'll arrange the date."

"What? I thought you would ask..." Pete trailed off, realizing Way's unexpected offer.

"What did you think?"

"I said, never mind."

Later that night:

"How was your date?" Way asked.

"It was good, and yours?"

"Mine was also good. He's very cute, and you know what? I think I'm falling for him. I mean, he's very adorable," Pete gushed.

"Is that so?" Way questioned, feeling a pang of jealousy.

"Yes, of course. And you know what? We're dating now."

"Wait, don't you think it's very early to decide?"

"And tomorrow we will get engaged, and the day after tomorrow, we'll get married," Pete joked.

"Are you sure?" Way asked, growing serious.

"Are you dumb? Did you really think I would marry someone I just met a few hours ago?"

"What? I really thought you were going to get married," Way admitted, feeling foolish.

"Of course not," Pete laughed.

The next morning:

Ring, ring, someone knocked on the door.

"I'm coming, wait..." Way said, opening the door to find the boy Pete had selected for the date.

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