Chapter 10

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11:40 a.m | SUNDAY MORNING


AFTER HER ENCOUNTER WITH KIMORA, Samaria makes her way down the street, mind completely clueless. A part of her wished she would've went with her, somewhat afraid of facing this whole thing alone now. She thought this would be a cake walk, however she was highly mistaken.

At the same time, she still was determined to do everything on her own. When push comes to shove, if she never met Jayden, she would still be in Baltimore with no one to go to when she needed it. So honestly, either way it went she was in this alone.

She was content with that.

She walking down the street, not caring where she goes at this point. She knew she would end up somewhere.

Her stomach growls again, she really wanted to eat. Still having her last $10, she decided to get some food, this time, without running into Jayden.

She ends up in a neighborhood, the houses were pretty ran down and people were hanging out in the street. Her gut turns as she keeps walking down, seeing people stop and stare and she walks. It seemed like it was only men hanging out, and that lowkey made her uncomfortable.

Standing her ground, she continues walking. She hopes she'll be able to find her way out of here with ease, not really wanting to just up and turn around—making herself look weird or suspicious.

As she's walking, she sees two dudes stand up from the porch, staring at her as they come down the steps and onto the street, blocking her way. Her heart rate speeds up as she slows down, she doesn't know if she should go in the street or just simply turn around.

"What ya' doin' here lil girl?" One of the guys says, he can tell he was either drunk or off something else, seeing that his eyes were droopy and he was swaying back and forth.

The other guy who was in front of him, pays him no mind, focusing his attention on Samaria, he looks at her bag. "What's in there?"

"Nothing." She says. It really is nothing. Just her own personal belongings, nothing more, nothing less.

"Gotta be sumn if you walkin' wit' it." He says. "Give it up."

"My bag?" She questions. It's not way he was about to rob a teenager for her own duffel bag that had her belongings. What type of shit was this?

"Yea, the fuck." He looks at her crazy, "Give it up fo' I make you give it up."

"Fuck you going to do?" Samaria gets smart. She really just wanted to be on her way and get some food, lay down, something. Luck just can't be on her side today.

"You don't know who side you on shawty." He lifts his shirt up, a gun hidden under it and his pants held it up.

Samaria sucks in her breath when she sees he really wasn't playing. Not that she thought that he was, but damn, he really was about to rob her of her last?

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now