Chapter 20: Explore

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The witch was wearing a dress. It had long sleeves and the black fabric clung tightly to her body. The buttons started beneath her color bone and continued down to mid-thigh. Her legs were covered in tight, dark blue fabric. It was the first time he'd seen her resemble a put-together woman instead of a feral forest witch with debris in her hair.

She made everyone oatmeal for breakfast. The warmlings piled theirs high with brown sugar and berries.

It was repulsive. The texture clung to his tongue after eating it. He wanted to spit it out and demand something different. And he would have, last week.

Now, little ones were watching. He would practice being civil to the witch at least when they were around.

He pushed his oatmeal to the side and munched on fruit. But the little witch was observant. It was what made witches dangerous. It made this one heat up a sweet, round bread topped with a sweet glaze and slide it over to him.

He curled his lip up at her and she dared to smile.

The bread was delicious, damn her.

He followed along as the witch babbled to the boys. She was writing down a list of everything they would need.

Most of it were things Wren wouldn't have thought of. The last time he was around young ones, people were still using oil for lighting.

The witch had to do something called errands and would be gone most of the day.

She explained to the boys what was in the boxes before they helped her carry them to the car.

"People can order elixirs, or tonics,"

"Potions." Wren interrupted. Calling it a new name didn't change what it was.

She stuck her tongue out at him. Jace giggled. "Exhlirs or tonics. For some people, it might be medicines or spells."

"Curses and crimes." He interuppted again. Gael shot a worried look at the witch. Jace looked a bit too excited about the possibility of curses.

The little witch shot him a look that he assumed was supposed to be intimidating. But her round cheeks were puffed up and she looked like a chipmunk.

"No curses. Just helpful spells. Nothing too powerful." She held up a small bag with a bracelet with a little black charm on it. "This has a memory spell attached to it. "

Both boys leaned. "How does it work?"

"Well, the person who bought it needs help during their finals. They will wear it while they study or while they are in class. It will help them remember and recall what they learned."

She took time to explain some of the other items in her box. The warmlings seemed impressed. Wren rolled his eyes. Little charms and spells were the least a witch could do.

He followed them out, both boys carefully carrying a box. The witch led them to a detached garage where hers and the car the boys drove in on were. She hugged both boys. He growled at her when she came his way.

She wiggled her fingers at him instead.

They watched her drive away in silence.

"Come. Let's get dressed and then go into the forest."

Jace cheered. "Do you think we'll see the bear again?"

Wren hoped not. As much as the stupid witch says she's harmless, he doesn't want to test it.

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