Chapter 15 The Village

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Jie stared at the poor village as she tightened her fists and clenched her jaw.

"Time to go ask them about any schools in the area... a village as poor as this one is unlikely to know of many, but they should know of some local ones. They probably dream about getting a child accepted into one.

"A single cultivator of even mediocre talent among them would be a treasure beyond treasures for them," Ming said, "hop to it, kiddo. We have a lot to do. Standing here being outraged won't do anything productive."

He took out a gold coin seemingly out of thin air. "If they tell us what we need to know, you can give this to them," he said and gave it to her, "any more than this would only bring unwanted attention to a village such as this."

Jie clutched the coin tightly and nodded.

Jie ran down the hill and into the village with Ming hovering invisibly above her. It was even worse up close.

Hungry eyes followed her every move, and the hairs on her nape prickled. The mud sucked at her shoes as she walked, and the sickening squelch was the only noise in the entire village.

The villagers were gaunt and dirty. They didn't look quite like they were starving, but they weren't far off either.

She picked a villager at random, a tall man three times her size. He shrank away from her as she approached and looked down at his feet.

Jie frowned. Was he afraid of her? He was huge!

Ming chortled in the psychic link he'd created between them but said nothing.

"Could you take me to the village elder please?" Jie asked. This was her first time dealing with people in this world other than Ming, and she hoped none of her nervousness showed in her voice.

The man nodded without looking up and scurried toward the largest building in the village like a frightened mouse.

He knocked frantically on the door, and an old man walked out with a beard that came down to his knees.

As soon as the elder appeared, the other man rushed off like his life depended on it.

The village elder bowed deeply to Jie, his beard brushing over the muddy street and staining it as he did so. "How may I be of service, young miss?" he asked.

Jie returned a polite bow, but not one so self-deprecating. "Is there a good martial school nearby?" she asked.

A crowd had formed around her and more and more gathered, adding to it. She hated having all these eyes on her but refused to let it show.

"Ah, yes. There's The Crimson Academy not far from here. It's a prestigious school. Many of its students come from Heping City and beyond for the chance to enroll," he said.

"We should have a look," Ming said through their psychic link, "though I doubt anyone in this village even knows what prestigious means..."

"Could you direct me to this academy?" Jie asked.

More villagers filtered into the crowd, which had turned almost into a circle around her.

"May I ask where your family or guards are, young miss? It isn't safe to travel alone you know," said the elder as he stroked his long beard.

"I'm quite safe. You need not worry," Jie said.

"Needn't I? But what is there to stop someone from taking advantage of one such as yourself?" asked the elder.

Jie frowned. His tone was giving her the creeps.

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