Chapter 14

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"Okay firstly, now that you have settled in you will shortly begin school. You will attend the school your brothers go to, It is the best most prestigious school in the entire realm so don't worry. School is a little different here in the vampire realm. You will learn how to be a vampire, you will learn the vampire language and a couple extra curricular subjects that you will get to choose. Since you are 17 you'll be going into first grade. Does everything i've said make sense?" Julian explains.

"First grade... um exactly how many grades are there?" I ask.

"100." He says.

"WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's not fair as a human I was just about to leave school and now there's 100 more years???" I ask flabbergasted. This is insane and not fair.

"100 more grades not years, each grade is 10 years long as vampires develop slow and since we live so long each stage of life is a lot longer." Julian explains further.


"Don't worry baby bat every vampire must do it. Now moving on, as you know we are the royal family. I'd like to set some ground rules. You can't be acting out now that you're royalty. No cussing, No going out without informing me, always be respectful to your elders especially me and your brothers, and NO boys. There are a few royal gestures you must learn, but you will find out about them later."

He gives me a look which says don't mess with me on this topic. I decide to not argue but I know I'll try and push the boundaries there's no way I can stick to these. I nod.

"Ahh good and finally this one might be a little hard to swallow, pun intended. blood. Now as you know vampires need blood to survive. It's how water is to humans-" Julian says. Haha my first experience with a dad joke, wait blood?

"No." I state simply cutting hum off. I know i'm a vampire now but i can never drink human blood that's disgusting.

"little bat. Listen! As i was saying vampires need blood to survive. Me and my eldest 2 sons drink it straight from the source as our fangs have grown in. The younger 2 drink it from a glass. We all drink blood daily. However it would be different for you. baby bats can't stomach straight human blood and obviously cant drink it from the source as you have no fangs. Here's how it would work." Julian lifts his arm to his mouth and digs his fangs into it, out pours the crimson red liquid. He then begins to suck on his arm. "This is how you will drink blood, from mine or one of your brother's arms."

"No i'm never doing that. it's disgusting." i yell

"That's what they all say, your thirst will take over eventually, Elowynn. Now, I know i've talked a lot you must be tired after the chaotic day."

I'll never ever ever drink blood. Maybe I should've ran away...


Sorry this one is realllllly short I just needed to explain a few things about how life will work here now.

From now its more about building the relationships of the characters and school life!

Maybe some cheeky romance who knows.

ElowynnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon