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Welcome friends! So glad you are taking the time to read my work! I truly appreciate it more than you know! Few housekeeping items before you dive in.

Firstly this is an 18+ story! Younger than that please move on your time will come.

I don't plan on doing trigger warnings on every single page so this is your one and only trigger warning. If you can not handle the following

Spicy sexual scenes
Fowl language
Extra violence

Then this is not the book for you my loves! I will not be offended, it is not everyone's cup of tea and I'm well aware of that!

Secondly this is unedited so far. I do some minor editing as I go but I will go back through once it's all over and fully edit the story won't change just little fuck ups here and there. If you see something please point it out KINDLY!

Lastly and most importantly DON'T BE A DICK! Not everyone likes the same things not everyone writes the same way please for the love of Peter Pan if you don't like it move on! I'm sensitive, I don't need drama. Be kind to one another in the comments.

Once again thank you so much for choosing my work!


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