Chapter 12

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Whitney's POV

'I swear if you make my head stop hurting I'll go to church' I silently prayed before I could even open my eyes.

Bits and pieces from last night came flooding in like a bad dream. When I woke up Declan, who I'm positive laid with me last night, was no longer in my bed or my room for that matter.

I saw a side of him yesterday that no doubt was wonderful to see. He was gentle and considerate and kind, something I don't think I've ever had a man outside of pops be with me. I felt my face heat up at the thought of yesterday's events including that kiss that was slightly earth shattering kiss and me groping him.

My door flew open causing me to jump. Declan made his way in like he owned the place, well he kind of does. He was holding a tray with a plate and cup full of what looked like coffee and juice on it.

"Figured you may not be feeling so great." He gave me a small smile causing the blush to creep back up. Nobody had ever done anything remotely this thoughtful. Even when Jake and I first got together before he showed me his true colors he was never this kind.

A small pain tugged at my heart knowing this was more than likely part of the game. We both were playing with fire at this point and someone is going to get burned in the end.

"Thank you." He sat the tray of food in front of me and took a seat on the end of the bed. I took some sips of coffee eyeing him as he seemed to be struggling to gather the words.

"I know you're going to the clinic today but how do you feel about going out to dinner tonight?" His words caught me off guard because I began to choke on my coffee.

"Like a date?" I questioned him after clearing my airway from the hot liquid.

"Well obviously. I can't make you fall in love with me if I don't do anything for you." He smirked at me, something about that smirk always took my breath away.

"Hmm what makes you think that I'll eventually fall in love with you?" I questioned him full well knowing we were both playing the same game.

"Because Doc, how could you not love me and my cute butt." The emphasis on cute butt made my face heat up even further thinking of him hauling my drunk self up the stairs last night.

"Because you are a pain in the ass." I deadpanned

"Well you obviously like my ass so it shouldn't be too hard." The mischief twinkled in his eyes like stars in the night sky.

"Better be careful Declan, you might just fall in love with me before I do you." I could have sworn that he looked sad for a split second but that ended quickly by him getting a call.

"I have to go Doc, I'll see you tonight." With that he got up and left the room leaving me alone with my breakfast.

After food and coffee I felt slightly better. I'm hoping the girls can get me an IV before we get too busy today. As I got ready for the day and pulled out an outfit for tonight my mind couldn't help but wander to the kiss last night. Sure I was slightly inebriated but no amount of alcohol could fake the fire that ignited between us. It was like I was suffocating and he was my oxygen. I can't get too attached because I know what comes next. I've seen him be angry and vindictive and I know that if I stick around long enough with him I'll eventually be the target of that anger. That's just how it goes. My parents marriage was like that than what I had with Jake was equally as toxic.

The truth of the matter is I don't get a happy ending. I'm not the type of person who meets someone and falls in love and lives happily ever after. At best I would get a marriage like a business arrangement at worst I'd be stuck in the hands of someone like Jake. It wasn't worth it to me. I personally had no business of trying to find love. I needed to keep myself from falling so I could get away from this life and finally just be free to live on my own as my own person.

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